-- all hands on deck!! coffee. protocol, auto. first things first. computer, status report. okay, auto. 12:30?! auto, why didn't you wake me for the morning announcements? honestly, it's the one thing i get to do on this ship. well, good morning everybody, and welcome to day 255,642 aboard the axiom. as always, weather's a balmy 72 degrees and sunny, and -- oh, hey, i see the ship's log is showing that today is our 700th anniversary of our five year cruise. well, i'm sure our forefathers would be proud to know that 700 years later we'd be. . doing the exact same thing. they were doing. so! be sure next mealtime to ask for your free. . septuacentennial cupcake -- in a cup. also today we have, uh. uh. hey, auto, what's that flashing button? positive? but. no probe's ever come back positive. . before. home? w-w-we're going back? we have a jogging track? operate. manuel. manuel, relay instructions. manuel? wow. will you look at that? well, let's open her up. step one. voice command, "confirm acquisition." uh. where's the thingie? plant. right. right. where is it? maybe we missed a step. show me how you change the text again. why don't you scan her to be sure. so, then. we're not going to earth? so, uh, i guess things go back to normal, huh? well, false alarm! the probe must be defective. gopher, send her to the repair ward. have them run diagnostics on her. make sure she's not malfunctioning -- eeyah!! have "wall-e" cleaned. analyze. earth? define "earth". wow. define "sea". define "hoe-down". auto! earth is amazing! these are called "farms". humans would put seeds in the ground, pour water on them, and they'd grow food, like, pizza -- psst! computer. define "dancing". prepare for landing. we're here everybody! yeah, captain! captain we're home! it's so beautiful! . no it's nothing. i was pleased to do it. it's all about you people -- how? how'd you find it?! we can go back home. for the first time! what's it like now? no, no! don't tell me! i want to see for myself! wait. that doesn't look like earth. where's the blue sky. where's the grass? i know that song. and they're. dancing. yes, dancing! you made it somehow, eh little guy? you didn't give up, did you? oh no, no -- wait a minute. there you go little guy. you came a long way for a drink of water. just needed someone to look after you, that's all -- we have to go back. auto, come down here! auto, eve found the plant. fire up the holo-detector. you know what? i should do it myself. auto, get out of my way. what are you talking about? why not? what do you mean, "classified"? you don't keep secrets from the captain! tell me what's classified! tell me, auto! that's an order! unsustainable? what? easier? no, wait a minute. computer, when was that message sent to the axiom? that's -- that's nearly 700 years ago!! auto, things have changed! we've got to go back! but life is sustainable now! look at this plant, green and growing! it's living proof he was wrong. what?! it's completely relevant! out there is our home! home, auto! and it's in trouble! i can't just sit here and. and. do nothing! that's all i've done! that's all anyone on this blasted ship has ever done. nothing!! i don't want to survive! i want to live! daaaargh!! i'm the captain of the axiom. we are going home today! gopher? hey! that's my plant. this is mutiny! eve, arrest him! eve, you are to put this plant straight in the holo-detector. no! no! mutiny! mutiny! mutineeeee!! mutinyyy. mute. neee. this is your last chance. auto. you hear me?. stupid. wheel. the plant! we'll see who's powerless now. ah-ha! testing, testing. is this thing on? psssst! hey! hey! this is the captain i'm locked in my room. eve, wall-e, bring the plant to the lido deck. i'll have activated the holo-detector. now hurry! auto's probably going to cut me off -- ha, ha! look what i got, auto! that's right! the plant! oh, you want it? come and get it, blinky! ha ha! what too heavy for ya, huh?! you're not getting away from me, one-eye! -- oof! -- is that all you got?! that's it!. a little closer! must. press. button. gotcha! ha ha! ladies and gentlemen! this is your captain speaking! we're having a slight malfunction with the autopilot! please remain calm! no!! auto! auto, you are relieved of duty. this is called "farming"! you kids are going to grow all kinds of plants: vegetable plants, pizza plants! ahh, it's good to be home.