directive? directive? directive? classified. name? wwww-aaaa-leee. wall-e. eve. eve. eeeve. eeeve. eve. wall-e? wall-e? and four other probes slide out of the ship's side. suspended in a horizontal rack. wall-e is surprised to find her facing him. she remains shut down. just a few feet away with a giant abyss between them. wall-e?! plant! wall-e. wall-e! plant! wall-e. wall-e! wall-e! wall-e! earth. earth. directive. wall-e. wall-e. plant! wall-e? wall-e! no, no, no. wall-e! directive. wall-e. wall-e. wall-e! wall-e! wall-e! wall-e! wall-e. directive. earth? earth! earth! plant! plant! no! wall-e!! appears out of the crowd. cradles a boxed up wall-e in her arms. wall-e. eve! wall-e? no. wall-e. wall-e! wall-e! wall-e!