why fox? why didn't you buy. schmuck? sorry, what a fox. funny, the most beautiful girls in the world are always on the street or in elevators, never get to talk to them, shy . my looks, never had confidence in them . overcompensating work syndrome. prove your worth with money. 'cept i'm not making any money. . wonder what all these people are thinking about. great carolyn, doing any better would be a sin. morning, dan. what's looking good today? hey chuckie, how's the woman- slayer? if i had your looks, better. not that you learned anything, chunk. i gotta feeling we're going to make a killing today, marv. joke about it. i was up all night charting these stocks. you want to see this or what? thanks, marv, with that i might be able to qualify for welfare. you got a look in your eye, mr. mannheim. you got something for the small fry. and they're off and running! jack, take 50 gulf, with a 3. 8 top, forget the hundred. what about delroy? i can go long at 23, let's go long. conwest air -- let me check it. up an eighth. how many you want? it's on the floor. hey howard, i thought you were a gentleman. sure it's gone down a little bit, but you got the tip from your printer, i didn't. yeah you did. that's what you said. i didn't tell you to buy it, why would i tell you to sell it? no, i can't give it back! give it back to who? you own it! no, he's out right now. that's what you told us to say. he's lying. mr. lynch, i swear to you, he's lying! i don't think you're being fair, sir. you assigned me this guy, and you know he's got a history. howard the jerk reneged on me. i've got to cover his loss to the tune of about seven grand! i'm tapped out man, american express got a hit man looking for me. thanks marv, i'll make it good to you. you know what my dream is? one day to be on the other end of that phone. hello, natalie -- guess who? that's right, and you know everyday i say to myself, today could be the day. so what do you say. will you marry me? then please can you get me through to mr. gekko? of course he's busy, and so am i. five minutes. that's all i'm asking. i know that if he could only hear what i have to say. it would change his life. great charlie, any better it'd be a sin. gotta open an account to win the lottery, dominick. give me 15,000, you'll have a condo in florida next christmas. nice to see you in such a good mood dad, what'd mom do, give you fish for dinner? . you're smoking too much, how many times do you gotta go to the hospital to . it's called pasta now dad, spaghetti's out of date. ah, i had a tough day. some jerk d.k'd me and i gotta cover his loss. d.k. -- didn't know -- who i was when the options he bought took a bath. he reneged on me. coulda been a contender. look dad, i'm not a salesman. how many times i gotta tell you i'm an account executive, and pretty soon i'm going to the investment banking side of the firm. dad, it takes time. you gotta build a customer list. i'm doing it. i could make more money in one year as a broker than five years at the airline. 50 k don't get you to first base in the big apple, dad, not any more. i pay 40% in taxes, i got a rent of 15,000, i got school loans, car loans, food, park my car costs me 3 bills a month, i need good suits, that's $500 a pop, shoes. it's queens, dad and a 5% mortgage and you rent the top room--i gotta live in manhattan to be a player, dad. there's no nobility in poverty anymore, y'know. one day you're going to be proud of me, you'll see. can you spare three hundred? pay you back next month, promise. not in here dad. please. later. how's mom? work okay? that's great dad. hey to bluestar, as your broker all i can advise is hold on to that stock dad. you sure about this faa announcement? the faa announcement. hello, natalie, you recognize the voice? i'll give you a hint, you're thinking seriously about marrying me. and you're even lovelier than i pictured. i brought a birthday present for mr. gekko. it's in the bible, see. you better go buy him a present. please, natalie. let me give him the gift; cuban cigars--davidoff, his favorite and hard to get. well. life all comes down to a few moments, and this is one of 'em. how do you do mr. gekko. i'm bud fox. got a connection at the airport. oh no, no. i just want to let you know mr. gekko i read all about you at nyu business, and i think you're an incredible genius and i've always dreamed of only one thing -- to do business with a man like you. jackson, steinem. yeah, and we're working on some other interesting stuff. can't tell you that, mr. gekko. chart break-out on this one here. uh whitewood-young industries. low p.e. explosive earnings. 30% discount from book. great cash flow. coupla 5% holders. strong management. tarafly. analysts don't like it. i do. the breakup value is twice the market price. the deal finances itself. sell off two divisions, keep. bluestar airlines. a comer. 80 medium-body jets. 300 pilots, flies northeast, canada, some florida and caribbean routes. great slots in major cities. there was a crash last year. they just got a favorable ruling on a lawsuit. even the plaintiffs don't know. i know. the decision'll clear the way for new planes and route contracts. there's only a small float out there, so you should grab it. good for a five point pop. my home number's on the back. well, hope to hear from you, sir. thanks natalie. yeah, but he didn't see me. a dog with fleas. gotta read my reports. preferably lou mannheim. cindy. having sex with her is like reading the wall street journal 'cept the journal don't talk back. 'sides this aids crap is ruining romance, nobody trusts anybody anymore, gotta get a blood test in the toilet before you leave a bar together, somebody oughtta invent an aids dipstick, no kidding, make a fortune. i gotta get to work. z's today. bud fox. yes, sir. thank you. you won't regret it. marv, . i just bagged the elephant! hi. can i buy you a drink? i'm celebrating tonight. look, i know you get approached a lot by dubious men, but i'm different, i never talk to strangers, all my life i've been waiting for the right person to walk across the room. you're that person, you don't know it but i do and if you walk away now i'll never see you again or you me. you'll grow old. i'll grow old. we'll both die. and we'll never have known each other. that's sad. at least one drink for a dreamer. what's your favorite drink? sounds like a french word, what is it? sounds tempting. i prefer mine with a twist of fate. you know like us meeting. don't go away. i just lost it. what's it at now? still moving. great! my magic tie, dan. sleep with me and the secrets of the west are yours. old values. buy. hey marv, he demanded confidentiality. all right, i owe you one marv. hi natalie. lunch at 21? i'm out the door. i'd love to, mr. lynch, thank you. nice to see you again mr. gekko. uh. just a evian, thank you. i can't even see it. bluestar was at 21 and an eighth when i left the office. it might spin up to 25 by the bell. no sir, that would've been illegal. mr. gekko -- thank you for the chance. you won't regret this, you're with a winner. excuse me sir. lisa. gordon? oh, mr. gekko. sure. would you, uh, like to come in? we are? so, where are we going? like? uh. hmmm. well. let's see, it closed at uh, 41 1. 8. up a quarter. very attractive. about average yield. rising profits. strong balance sheets, good earnings per share. it's ready to take off. i'd jump all over it if i were you. any better and i'd be guilty. how do you know? you wish. mr. gekko, i don't think i can. go on. nice club, mr. gekko. uh, mr. gekko, we took a little loss today. we got stopped out on tarafly. . about 50 thousand. what? how do you know about my father? yes. i'm not just another broker mr. gekko. if you give me another chance, i'll prove it to you. i'll go the extra yard for you. one more chance. please. 'course. larry wildman. one of the first raiders. i remember that deal. you were involved? i don't understand. follow him? mr. gekko i. it's not what i do. i could lose my license. if the sec found out, i could go to jail. it's inside information, isn't it? what about hard work? all right, mr. gekko. you got me. oh shit, don't tell me mr. wildman was on board that plane? my boss is gonna kill me. i was supposed to give him this. you know where that plane is going? after spending the morning at kahn, seidelman -- on the 14th floor, the junk bond department -- where shane mora works -- he had lunch at la cirque with a group of well-dressed heavyset bean- counters. . he later stopped off at morgan. i'd say from all the palm-pressing and sweet smiling going on that larry got some nice fat financing. jesus christ, he's buying anacott steel! hey dad!. hi ya charlie. dominick. client. got a private jet over at butler aviation. dad, you always gotta light up when you see me, it's the. alright. why so pissed? yeah, it is. in fact i'm doing great. new client. whole new league. it's starting to happen dad. the big leagues! you know what i'm saying. dividend. i figure i owe you about five thousand in nickels and dimes. don't worry about the loans. i'm doing good dad and it's gonna stay that way now. least buy yourself a new suit. then buy yourself a decent bowling jacket so when you take mom out you don't look like the roto rooter man. come on, for godsakes, that's what money's for. enjoy yourself. dad, you should've been a ceo. how about dinner? wait. next week's booked. let me check with my girl and get back to you on monday. gotta run dad. you stop smoking, you hear? anacott steel. buy it. mr. mannheim, got a sure thing. anacott steel. you're right, mr. mannheim, but you gotta get to the big time first, then you can be a pillar and do good things. it's a winner mr. mannheim, trust me -- buy. wanna play some tennis saturday? you take that anacott steel? blue horseshoe loves anacott steel. mr. gekko, i've been trying to reach you. we got the options. we got a good execution on them! i got all i could get which was 750,000 shares plus 5000 march 50 calls. average price of $47 a share and $4 per contract for the call. i just wish i could've got more. we have 37.2 million invested. at this point, we're up 3.1 million and some change. if it goes to 75 bucks we can clean close to 12 mill. my firm needs your signature on these option agreements tonight, sir, otherwise we could take a real bath tomorrow. bud fox. got some papers for mr. gekko to sign. sorry, mr. gekko. if you'd rather not, mr. gekko, i can leave. hello again, i been holding these drinks for us for the last three weeks. grand marnier. a romantic and tragic drink. destiny took us apart, but i knew it would bring us back together. stock broker. as in: never have so few done so little for so much. so what do you see in this? few thousand dollars down the drain if you ask me. you could have a great beach house for that. boy, i thought gordon was a tough businessman, but somebody's really taking him to the cleaners here. i gather you're a decorator. well, if you're that good, you could probably do wonders at my place. upper west side. oh it's just a rental. i'm moving to the east side soon. i've got a couple of deals brewing with gordon. but that's just conversation. what about real things? like dinner. the two of us. friday. cafe. santo domingo. break it. you may call me a yuppie. it's mister yuppie to you. so. see you friday. only if i want something bad enough. no, i'm afraid i've got to get some work. i guess i'll head back. the break up value is higher. it's worth 80. "all warfare is based on deception" sun tzu says, if your enemy is superior, evade him, if angry, irritate him, if equally matched, fight. if not, split and reevaluate. yeah?. mr. gekko, i'm there for you 110%. gordon. well we're thinking of putting up a statue of you in the subway. i hear you're moving up in the world. an associate already. not bad. how's margie? nah, she asked the wrong question. "what are you thinking?". that was it. the hours are hell, but the money's starting to tumble in. i know this guy who's got an iron- clad way to make money, i can't lose and i can't get hurt. yeah, check out teldar paper, it's still not over. what about you, i hear you guys are handling the fairchild foods merger and it may not be going through. any surprises i haven't read about in the wall street journal? who's listening? it's just one college buddy talking to another. relax, roger, everybody's doing it but you don't know, you don't know. more money than you ever dreamed, roger. and the thing is no one gets hurt. how bout a beer? i need to speak to the owner about some business. mr. panos, i've charted the growth of new office space in the city, and i think you're in the right business at the right time. i'm impressed with your work and i could use a tax break. this is a growing business. are you interested in some working capital and a partner? uh. wrong office. sorry. how much? devon? he looks like seattle slew. what about the triple crown? how would i know? i once bet a horse. he went out at ten to one and came in at quarter to five. of course. all's fair in love and war. i think i got some friends that won't mind making some easy money. what's it cost these days? piece of cake, gordon. yeah, almost. the conference, oh yeah. fine. we reached an agreement and decided to divide up the world between us. and what do you want? well, why stop at that? you're not trouble by any chance. are you? what's going on? just kickin' ass and taking names, mr. mannheim. sounds dubious chuck, but piping rock any day. thank you, janet. thank you, mr. lynch. all right. offer 950. nah. this is it. home. yes. no. at 37 1. 2. convert the bonds right. and check the price in tokyo at 8:00 la time. thanks. too perfect. let's not even eat. let's just watch it and think about it. you know, the elevator man couldn't believe i paid $300,000 to have my walls looking like this, he's got them for free in brooklyn. sure. but your fee. considering you're way over budget, should be negotiable. i'm kidding, i'm kidding, we're still young, darien. so what's money anyway when everybody's making it, it's all relative. after all, this is not the house in connecticut, this is just a crash pad good for a couple of years. before we slip our two lovely kids, yuppie and fruppie into the lycee francaise. that's right -- one with high yield, rich assets and no downside. it's not me i'm worried about. you know darien, the only reason we haven't slept together is because we both know we will -- and not knowing when was the only surprise left. you owe me, i want you, what else is there. but you, me, the world. . right here. make love to me. now. stop me if i'm going too far. is this real? is this really real? who am i? dixon! it's your lucky day! that's right. i want to give you some stock and you don't have to put up a penny. no, no dixon, my client wants to buy a large, large block of stock and needs to spread it around. i'll park some money in your account and if it hits, you get a big cut. i'm telling you, this is the easiest money you ever made. and you don't have to put up a dime, roger. it's easy jack! on settlement day, you endorse a check to blue horseshoe trading company. then i send you your cut. that's the bottom line. and nobody gets hurt. hey, i'm tired of playing nurse to you all the time, alright. do your own home work! buy me 20 june euro dollar cds. twenty march gold and sell 10 september deutsch marks. that's right. bud, i hate to tell you this but you're a genius! darien. lightning has struck! the lightbulb has been invented. edison, da vinci, einstein are watching. you think i'm gonna broker the rest of my life. i'm going to be a giant, darien, an entrepreneur in the italian 15th century sense of the word -- a mover, shaker. i love you, baby. did i tell you that sometime in the last 24 hours? sure, why not, money's the sex of the 80's. i never had it like you when i was growing up, baby, it wasn't the upper east side. that changes all my plans, i thought you were loaded. fear. the fear of being poor i guess, just like you, darien. but that's all gonna change sweetheart. i'm catching the express. . and you're going along for the ride. bluestar's an unpolished gem, gordon, right out of the garbage. a half assed management being decimated by a price war they can't win. but the gates at laguardia alone can bail us out, it's worth 25 bucks a share if it's worth a dime! they're ripe to fall. yeah aren't you forgetting something gordon: rule one, capital reserves. this company has $75 million cash in an overfunded pension. that buys us a lot of credibility. . and the beauty is you already own close to two percent of this sucker. gordon what i want--and i never asked you for anything--is to be your co-pilot on this. i want to take this airline, turn it around, and make it work. it's gonna make us a fortune! gordon, i worked at bluestar, i know my way around, i have friends there. inside. the three unions. it's 43% of bluestar's operating budget, the hourly cost of a flight crew is $850 an hour, that's the real hidden value g.g., if you can negotiate that out, get a crew down to $350-400 an hour a run, this airline is gonna be the hottest thing since texas air. i can talk to these people gordon, they trust me. and my father can be a big help in getting cuts. dad, well come on in. everybody's here. we couldn't start the show without you. dad, you know duncan wilmore, pilot's union, and toni carpenter, flight attendants. and i'd like to introduce you to mr. gekko, and his lawyer, mr. salt. thank you mr. gekko. first of all i want you to know my door will always be open to you cause i know from my dad it's you guys that keep bluestar flying. one -- modernize. our computer software is weak, we update it, we squeeze every dollar out of each seat and mile flown. you don't sell a seat to a guy for $89 when he's willing to pay $389. effective inventory management through computerization will increase our load factor by 5 to 20%, that translates to approximately 50 to 200 million dollars in revenues; the point is, we can beat the majors at a price war. two -- advertising -- more, more, and aggressive, attack the majors. three -- expand our hubs to atlanta, north carolina and dallas, reorganize all our feeder schedules, think big -- guys, we're going after the majors! now, wait a minute, dad. congratulations. you did a great job of embarrassing me in there-- not to mention yourself! save the "workers of the world unite" speech for next time dad, i heard it too much growing up. you're gonna get axed dad, no two ways about it, you and the whole airline are going down the tubes, you hear me, just like braniff, you don't have a chance in hell, and if it isn't gekko it's gonna be some other killer. no, what i see is a jealous old machinist who can't stand that his son's become more successful than himself. that's because you never had the guts to go out into the world and stake your claim. your responsibility, dad, is to present the facts, not your opinions, to the men. you're gonna destroy their lives, dad! don't do it to 'em. give it a chance. let the membership decide for themselves, dad. please. your men! all my life "your men" have been able to count on you? why is it that you've never been there for me? and what if you're wrong? what if one day, the sun didn't rise in the east and birds didn't fly south in winter and for once in your life your compass was off? huh? would you be willing to wreck your men's future? my future? please. dad. think. be practical, for a change. i'm asking you, i'm fucking begging you. what's up dixon? calm down! what are you talking about? what'd you tell him? look dixon, calm down! it's not illegal to buy stock or to be right. and it's not all that unusual to be spot checked on a big buy. tell him you did your homework and you thought the stock was a sound investment. tell 'em your father gave it to you. they won't. that's not their jurisdiction. yes! read the constitution, it's all in there. and remember--you don't know anything, nothing. good. then call him back. and call me back. don't worry. didn't i tell you to knock before you came in here? then get out and close it behind you. get the hell out! so what's the problem? relax roget you're 82m in the account numbers and i'm the invisible man. they're always looking for red flags, gekko's always getting checked by them, they never come up with anything. we're invulnerable on this. sure roger, whatever you want, it's cool. he never told me. i'm sorry, this can't wait. i found out about the garage sale down at bluestar. why? maybe you ought to read him pinocchio. you told me you were going to turn bluestar around. not upside down. you used me. why do you need to wreck this company? if these people lose their jobs, nowhere to go. my father worked at bluestar for twenty-four years. i gave 'em my word. tell me, gordon--when does it all end? how many yachts can you waterski behind? how much is enough? how much is enough gordon? obviously. i can't make it tonight. i'm with you gordon. i've been played like a grand- piano--by the master, gekko the great. and today was the big crash. liquidation sale. he's gonna carve bluestar into little pieces and sell it all off. talk about being bent over the sink of life and being dry humped. i handed it to him on a silver platter. i told my father and those people. i'm not gonna let it happen darien. at least i wouldn't be pulling the trigger. i can stay with the brokerage firm. and you're doing fine. we can survive without gordon gekko. what the hell's that supposed to mean? you really mean that? what'd he promise you? to take you public? i guess without gordon's money and seal of approval, i'm not such a hot investment anymore. you're just the best money can buy, darien. i'm looking. and i sure don't like what i see. that's bullshit! step out that door, i'm changing the locks. get the hell out! save the rap, just sell it -- fast! janet get my father on the phone and the two other union reps, urgent. what! what happened?! oh christ! mom! how is he? hiya dad. what was it? mom talked too much or was it her spaghetti? i mean pasta. i told you never to lift a 747 by yourself. you even got me smoking now. second one dad, you're pushing your luck, i guess you know that. i guess you gotta pull through this one dad. for mom, for me. i guess i never told you but. i love you dad, i love you more than i ever. . i didn't mean those things i said to you. you're a hero all the way dad, you're a rock. the best. and you were right about gekko. he's one son of a bitch. through and through. he's gonna break up bluestar. but i gotta plan dad, it can work, i can save the airline, i know you got no reason to believe me but i want you to trust me. i need to talk to the unions. can i speak for you? your words, not mine. the stock's at 19 1. 4 and it's going up. gekko figures by breaking up bluestar, it's worth at least $30 a share. that means he'll buy up to 23 or 24 and still think he's making money. you really don't want to know any more than that, mr. wilmore. let's just say i have some friends. when the stock hits 23, you guys go to gekko and lower the boom. once he learns he has no union concession, he's going to head for the hills. he'll sell everything he's got. we have an appointment to see mr. wildman. sir lawrence, what would you say to owning bluestar airlines with union concessions--at $18 a share. and in the process hanging gordon gekko out in the wind to twist. ? let's just say mr. gekko and i have a conflict of interest. i want to see this airline work. . the figures here show it can. you don't have to agree with me, marv; but i think i've been a bit of a schmuck lately. i want to make it up to you. bluestar, put all your clients in it. bluestar, mr. mannheim. put all your clients in it. listen i need a favor and it's a quick scalp for you. two hundred thousand at 19 1. 2; can you position it in one of your equity funds? hold on. . listen "blue horseshoe loves bluestar airlines". yeah. i see it at 22 1. 8 and i don't know what to make of it. start unloading. now! tell everyone to dump! get out of bluestar! gekko's on the ropes--he's trying to sell, but there's not many takers, the stock's plummeting. you once told me don't get emotional about stock. gordon, don't. the bid is 17 and going down. as your broker, i advise you to take it. gordon, it's two minutes to close. what do you want to do?! decide. smile, carolyn, there's justice in the world. how's it going mr. mannheim? got out of bluestar in time i hope? i think i understand what you mean mr. mannheim. get my father will you janet? i guess you're not here to open an gordon. i don't know. my dad once told me, "money is something you need in case you don't die tomortow." i guess i realized i'm just bud fox. and as much as i wanted to be gordon gekko--i'll always be bud fox. no, thanks, i'm nervous enough. yeah, don't want to be late for my own funeral. dad, i'm going to jail and you know it. like who? who really wants to know a convicted felon. i don't even like myself. why?