excuse me. oh yes, i remember you. aha. poet or philosopher? i'd give anything to have this in my house, even for a week. oh really? well, i guess you can kiss that career as an art appraiser goodbye, because we paid over four hundred thousand for it at the contemporary picture sale last june. sure you could, in wildwood, new jersey. if you sold this, you could have a pretty nice penthouse on fifth. but you wouldn't have much left over for decoration. not really. i'd say that gordon is one of the most astute collectors around. he has a great eye and he only buys the best. like this rug for instance, a silk tabriz, the finest of its kind. the day after he bought it in london, a dealer representing the saudi royal family offered him twice what he paid. it absolutely makes the room. see how this little bit of celadon in the border is picked up in the cushions oh the sofa. although. i don't know if i would have used that tea dipped linen for the upholstery - too dingy. and it's a sacrilege having that pre-columbian pot in the center of the coffee table. some dope might use it as an ashtray. you got it, a great spender of other people's money. where is it? oh really. home of the exposed brick wall and the houseplant. what if i have a previous engagement? i guess this must be destiny alright. my first yuppie apartment and. my first yuppie. you really do believe in destiny? call me next week, i'll give you an estimate. he's not a racehorse, bud, he's a jumper. if i could have anything. this would almost do. so, how did your conference go with gordon? you have modest wants. i like that in a man. a turner, a perfect canary diaiaond. a lear jet. world peace. the best of everything. i don't. isn't it perfect! i'll bet he's got an opinion on the stock market too. this apartment is already ahead of its time. i call it the "demolished" look. they've already heard about it at house and garden and they're coming next week to photograph it before it gets. lived in. is that alright? i'd love to have it in my portfolio. let's get things straight, bud. i'm not going to take a cut. i worked hard and you can't decorate a room in new york for less than $100,000. curtains alone. you got it all charted out don't you, like a stock projection. do you think you're ready? i'll let you know. come to bed, bud. are you going to trade all night again? you got to go to work in a couple of hours. get in bed. y'ever hear of the sixty hour work week? you're turning into a yuppie frankenstein, you love money so much. you're so naive bud, you don't even know. your dad took care of you. i might've been rich when i was a kid. but my father lost all his money. in the seventies, in the stock market, at the track. he was a lousy gambler. so did i, till i hit 19 and found i had all the royal habits and no throne. mom got by but i had to go to work just like you. only the skills i had were shopping and making friends. so. that's why i do what i do, what makes you tick, buddy? i decorate for democrats too, lots of them. i'm darien taylor. listen, i hope you'll come here often, and under less formal circumstances. please help yourselves to some food. bud?. what's going on? i'm sorry. i was afraid something like this could happen. buddy, it's not your fault, and it's not your decision. don't cross gordon. he'll crush you. you've worked hard to get where you are. if gordon doesn't buy bluestar someone else will; and who's to say they won't do the same thing. are you mad! why are you doing this! we're so close, the town is going to be ours. don't throw away your future bud! i'm not looking to just survive. i've been doing that all my life. that if you make an enemy of gordon gekko, i won't be there to stand by you. you're not exactly pure bud, you went after gekko with the same vengeance you went after me. look in the mirror before. fair enough. but it's not that simple, bud. when i was down and had nothing, it was gordon who helped me. he got me all my clients -- you among them. and he can take it away like that. you may find out one day -- that when you've had money and lost it, it's worse than never having had it at all. you may not believe this bud but i really do care for you. i think we could've made a good team. but that's how it goes. those days are over, gordon. they were over a long time ago. it's not puppy love, gordon. anyway, buddy and i are splitting up. it's over you, gordon. no, are you crazy? and i don't want him ever to know. do you understand?. i want to ask you a big favor, gordon. please drop the bluestar deal. because i don't want to see him hurt. i can't. and i won't. maybe it does. don't patronize me gordon. you're really twisted, gordon. you're incapable of giving to anybody because deep down inside you there's a poverty that every last dollar in the world won't fill. i know. but maybe, just maybe gordon, i'm good enough so i don't need you anymore. hi. i figure a guy who's made some mistakes should be able to understand a girl who's made some of her own.