attention. please. office production is down ten percent this week. i recommend that you all go through your clients' investments for any portfolio adjustments. and don't forget -- double commissions today on our 'a' or better bond funds. especially you rookies. also, remember, the sales contest ends tomorrow. give me that phone. yes, sir, this is the manager. what seems to be the problem? okay, sir. i'll discuss this with the broker and i'll get back to you. you're welcome. if i'm closing out this account. if he doesn't pay for it tomorrow, you pay for it. fox, you're making more problems than you are sales. somebody has to pay for that error. and it's not me. where you been the last 3 hours, fox? i wouldn't be sitting around chin wagging if i were you. plenty of names in that phone book to cold call. nice piece of work, fox. why don't you join me and the partners for lunch tomorrow in the dining room? new research report on gm and a conference call on defense stocks at my office at 11. no rsvp required, just be there. and on an inspiring note i'm pleased to announce the new office record for a single month's gross commission goes to bud fox. who more than doubled the old mark. way to go bud. super job! come on up here. come in, bud. congratulations. this is yours now. your own file cabinets. a window . your private secretary, janet, significantly more attractive. no, thank you. i knew the minute i laid eyes on you, you had what it takes bud. just keep it going.