jesus, can't make a buck in this market, country's going to hell faster than when that sonofabitch roosevelt was around. too much cheap money sloshing around the world. the biggest mistake we ever made was letting nixon get off the gold standard. putney drug--you boys might want to have a look at it. but they got a good new drug. stick to the fundamentals, that's how ibm and hilton were built. good things sometimes take time. good little company. i remember when we got the money for bluestar to build those first planes, back in the fifties. now that's a crap company, sure you'll make money on the takeover rumor, but what's being created. nothing. no substance behind it. no such thing bud - 'cept death and taxes. not a good company anymore, no fundamentals. what's going on bud? do you know something? remember there're no short cuts son, quick buck artists come and go with every bull market but the steady players make it through the bear markets. you're part of something here, bud. the money you make for people creates science and research jobs. don't sell that out. can't get a little bit pregnant, bud. you're on a roll kiddo. enjoy it while it lasts -- 'cause it never does. i don't know where you get your information, son, but i don't like it. the only reason i'm gonna do it is. i need the money, that's the problem with money--it makes you do things you don't want to do. bud i like you, just remember something. man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. at that time a man finds his character--and that is what keeps him out of the abyss.