come in, wesley. he stares at her, trying to figure this out. he steps. he's dead, isn't he? there's no point lying to this woman. he told me if he didn't come back. it would be you who pulled the trigger. i think you need to meet someone. she leads wesley into another room, where a five-year-old boy, plays the floor. wesley. this is your brother. andrew. wesley's not sure what to make of this. half-brother. but both of you, you are both 100 percent your.father's boys. i've seen that from the beginning. andrew is busy playing with a couple of black toy buildings on the floor. wesley studies the little guy, still confused. your father. he was with you the whole time. wesley looks up and sees what she's referring to. the walls are filled with pictures of andrew, anna, and. remarkably. . photoaraths of wesley at various ages w hgn he was- growing u ! this was his favorite. she hands him a picture of wesley at about age 12, sitting with his back to a tree, reading count of monte cristo. the picture has been taken through a windshield, across the street. wesley reels, his legs give out, he slumps against one of the walls. flash: cross firing at fox and wesley at the grocery store. but now we see that fox positioned wesley between herself and the shooter. he wasn't trying to hit wesley, he was trying to separate him from her. when your father and i found each other, when we had andrew, he said he could no longer live the way he had been living. he said he wouldn't give us up, the way he had given up his first eon. wesley stares at the picture. he can't believe he was being watched back when he felt so alone. it was his greatest regret. she leaves him in the room, alone, with his brother. wesley watches the kid, trying to process it all. for the first time, emotions overcome him, and he breaks down. .but he's too tough now to sob, so he forces the bob down in his throat and blinks back the tears. goddamn, he has a brother. would you like some coffee? i guess it's not much of an inheritance. i want you to know that he forgave you before you ever pulled the trigger. he tried to keep you out of it for so long. once they had you. he couldn't risk it unless you were alone. he knew his one shot at telling you might be his last. her eyes harden a little bit. you have to finish what he was doing, wesley. it's the only way any of us will ever be free. especially your brother. they won't stop hunting us. your father knew that. wesley nods. you have family here. wesley nods, these words meaning so much to him. i don't know. there was so much he wanted to keep away from us. wesley moves into andrew's roan. where the boy is still playing with the black model buildings. wesley moves over and crouches down next to andrew. do you know the answer to that? wesley looks up at her, resolve on his face.