oh my fucking god i hope that's not my billing report sitting on your fucking desk. holy shit on an altar, it isl a couple of the other office workers look up at the fireworks and smile. like they're actually enjoying janice's histrionics. why don't you just take a dump in your hands, fork it over to me and say, "this is the best effort i'm gonna give to you, janice. this is the best you're ever gonna get out of me." hell, rochelle on her bbirthdav is doing a better a job than your lazy ass and she's already left for the day. je-sus christ! wesley looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. i meant to. i meant to. well i meant to be a size four but meaning to doesn't pick no cotton. tell you what. i'll just input the four- ones myself. minimum for the maximum. that's all you ever do. the minimum you can do to suck the maximum from this company. no, you're worthless. i'm the one who's sorry i hired you. she storms away, fuming. wesley looks over and sees some of the other workers still staring at him, amused. he sits back down to the semi-privacy of his little cubicle. jesus h. fucking popscile, you don't have time to get me the differential responses but you got time to chitty-chatty with the intern? why do i even keep you around, wesley? well i know one thing, your review is coming up next week and i can't wait to start checking me off some boxes. attitude: poor, performance: poor, management skills: poor, works well with others. wesley just focuses on that mouth. fat lips over fat gums over yellow teeth. but now all that's coming out of it is jibberish. ' i jibberish that goes straight from her larynx to wesley's ears where it imbeds in the soft flesh of his brain and burns. it's so goddamn loudl if only. . if only it would just.