where's the spaghetti? i specifically told you to get noodles on your way home. god, wesley, i already put the sauce on. you didn't listen is what you didn't.- i might as well talk to the wall. oh my god, wesley, where have you been? i've been so worried! but wesley just pushes past her and starts to throw clothes out of drawers into a black duffel bag. what're you doing? are you leaving? you .owe rent! but wesley just keeps packing. you can't leave! this is bullshit, wesley. bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. who the fuck are you? but fox doesn't even acknowledge her presence, and just watches wesley do his business. wesley walks out the door and fox follows. cathy chases them out on to the landing. you're nothing, wesley! and you will always be nothing! you think you're gonna be happy.with that skank. uh-oh. fox stops and turns around -- fisting her pistols. she unloads. bam! bam! bam! bam! bam! the camera swings over to cathy, who is about to pies herself, standing in the door frame, with bullet holes placed expertly around her head. wesley and fox keep moving, down the steps. barry is coming up the steps, but he takes one look at them, does a u-turn and hurries out of their path.