they walk down a downtown lane, buildings crowding in on them from all-sides. not too many people are out this late; they have the sidewalk to themselves. they turn a corner and head up into the lobby of a tall building, their conversation continuing. wesley and fox walk down a crowded urban city street. the camera finds wesley's tattoo and then moves around behind fox and holds on hers. wesley walks down the street. people instinctively get out of his way as he cuts a path down the sidewalk. then he pulls out what cross slipped inside his pocket: a beaten-up copy of count of onte cristo. in fact, there's no mistake, it's the same copy he had as a kid. wesley tries to make sense of this as he opens up the cover. printed on the inside in a steady hand are the words: "i left you something." wesley lowers the book and sees a cheesy guy park a harley at a curb. he bee-lines for the guy. wesley steps out of a dark doorway, his hard eyes following a police car as it roars by without noticing him.