we all end up where we belong, don't we? the butcher snickers. sloan speaks up. will do, fox. the butcher measures wesley, then starts to talk in a steady, almost bored voice. remember, it's the body we are killing. know it like a surgeon. wesley nods, half disgusted, half enthralled. okay, we'll start at the beginning. to cut the subclavian artery, hold the knife ice-pick style and thrust down behind the clavicle, cutting side to side. he jabs the blade into the beef. and just as he does. if you want the jugular, pull your enemy's head to the left and jab your knife well into his sterno-cleio- mastoideus muscle, here, then cut down and left. just like before, we smash cut to. like i told you. the blade will always live on. i can't see!