'ah, made your choice, did 'ja, of boy? very good, very good. he walks behind wesley. the weather's been lovely the last couple o' days-- would you mind putting your hands back here for me? wesley does, and the pharmacist binds his hands with some rope. there, that's it. very good. quite right. the pharmacist cracks his knuckles and then, wham!!! he hits wesley so hard right in the cheek that it almost knocks him out of the chair. if you get in the hoo-ha of a two on one and find yourself the one, remember that each foe will likely move at the same steady speed away from each other, allowing you to keep a gun on each. now, if you find yourself one ' on three, that poses a real bit a' ball ache. three on one, mate. you're out of ammo. and you're in a part of the map with no fraternity stashes. bugger.