over here! over here!!! hurry!! you all right? and what about you? peach schnapps. disgusting, i know it. i found a whole case of this shit. i'm sorry about your son. all of them. harland ogilvy. i got water. food. enough for weeks. you're welcome to stay, both of yous. those machines, those tripods they got. they buried them. right under our feet. since before there were even people here. they've been planning this for a million years. we're beat to shit. think about it. . they defeated the greatest power in the world in a couple days. walked right over us. . and these are only the first, they'll keep coming. this is not a war any more than there's a war between men and maggots. this is an extermination. are you afraid? i been around death plenty. drive an ambulance in the city. well, drove and ambulance in the city. that's all over now, huh? . you know the people who make it ray? the ones that don't flatline before the hospital? it's the ones who keep their eyes open, keep looking at you, keep thinking. . there the ones who survive. . we can' t loose our heads ray. . running, that's what'll kill you. . i'm dead set on livin'. hah. dead set on living. we're not going to be exterminated. it's okay! come on, i wanna show you something! we're gonna fight them ray. they gotta have a weakness. come on, take a look. somehow they killed a few of these things in osaka. that's what i heard. you telling me the japanese can figure it out but we can't? we can do it. we can get 'em. we can figure it out. to fight 'em together, ray. . now we'll be the ones coming up from underground. when the time is right, we'll take 'em by supries, the way they took us. we'll take 'em by surprise. we're right under their feet, ray. right here, under their feet. you miss your mommy? i had a little girl nearly your age. you know, if anything happens to your daddy, i'll take care of you. what exactly is your plan, ray? i know what i'm gonna do. how about you? you gonna sit here, wait for them to come get you? is that your plan? maybe you want to get caught. couple of days hiding in a basement too much for you, i bet. you'll probably turn yourself right in! maybe you'll be okay. maybe you'll get lucky and they'll train you as their pet. you know, train you, feed you, teach you how to do tricks. you and i. i don't think we are on the same page. ray!!! ray!!!! ray!!!! ray!!!! not my blood!!! they drink us! then they spray us, like a fertilizer! drink us and. then they spit us out all over their goddamn red weeds! this tunnel will get us to the city. we'll have our own tunnels there. ready made! subway, see what i'm saying! you can hide a whole army down there! we'll go underground! sneak attacks at night! we're the resistance ray! they can't occupy this country! occupations always fail! history's taught us that a thousand times. this is our land. we eat it, we breathe it, only we can live on it! they can't survive here ray. they weren't built for it.