we said 8:00. um-huh. we'll be back by 9:30 on sunday, depending on the traffic. i'll just get it in the door. well we can't roll it up the stairs now can we? you're out of milk. and everything else. i'd better get this upstairs. i can get it. a little old to still be sharing aren't they? no, i do. robbie's got a paper. . on the french occupation of algeria due monday which he's yet to begin. it would be nice if he were done by the time we got back so we don't have to keep him up all night on sunday. no, you just got to start writing it first. i love you. listen to your father. oh, no shoes on the bed. we'll be at my parent's house in boston but don't call the house line, because you know. well the point is i've got my cell phone. so if anything comes up, or if you have any questions just call. i'll leave the phone on. you think? take care of our kids. she'll love that. thank you.