hello dad. it's got rollers, just roll it. bye tim. mom, mom! what's the capital of australia? that's not how you're going to get through to him. you want him to listen to you. where are you going? what are we supposed to eat? i got a splinter. on your porch railing. absolutely not! no it wont. no, it won't. when it's ready, my body will just push it out. i read that. you should get tivo. tim got it for my room. it's awesome. i can watch all my shows after homework. hummus. from the health food place. i kept one of their menus last time we were here. uh, you said order! he went out. i don't know. he just took your car and left. i want to go inside. i want to go inside. i don't want to go by myself. no. no it's not. it hit right behind our house. where's robbie? is robbie okay? are you okay? why won't it stop? is it over? where are you going? are we going to be okay? you don't know. what's going on? dad, what's the matter? what's all the stuff? dad, you're really scaring me. dad. dad! who's car is this? who's car is this? what do you mean? is this the terrorists?!?! yes. i'm safe in my space. i'm really scared. no. yes. yes. the what? i'm fine. i want mom. i want mom. take me to mom's! i want mom!!! take me to mom!!! take me to mom's!!! take me to mom's!!! come on, hurry up dad. robbie, get the door. mom! tim!! is she dead?? how come the lights are on here and not at your place? dad. that's not how it goes. i'm allergic to peanut butter. birth! i'm not hungry. if everything's fine, why do we have to sleep in the basement. we've got perfectly good beds. i want to sleep in my bed. i've got back problems. there's gonna be tornadoes? could you be a little nicer to me. god! yeah. good night, love you. is the lighting back? is it them!!! is it them!!! are we still alive? i'm not gonna look, dad. um-huh. why are you yelling? where is everybody? okay, enough robbie! dad?!?! i have to go to the bathroom. i gotta go. i'm not going in front of you guys! are you crazy?? don't look!! that's looking!! i'm sorry! robbie!!! where are you trying to go?!?! what are you trying to do?!?! where's everybody going? but we do right? why'd he do that? why is he doing that? can we give him one? ahhhh!! daddy!!!! daddy!!! daddy!!! dad!!! looks like the power's still on here. the trees are funny. robbie?!?! robbie? robbie!?!?! robbie!!! robbie, slow down. robbie, slow down!!! robbie. robbie!! no!! robbie!!! come back!!! dad? what do you think mom's doing right this minute? i won. the walk, trot, and canter. third place. sing me "lullaby and goodnight"? sing me "hushabye mountain"? what are you doing? dad?? dad? hushabye mountains a gentle breeze. on hushabye mountain. for far away my baby goes. it fills the sails . of boats that are waiting . waiting to sail your worries away so close your eyes. you're on hushabye mountain . wave goodbye to the cares of the day and watch your boat, from hushabye mountain, sail far away from lullaby bay. ahhhh!!! ahhhhh!!!! dad? what happened to it? how is it dead all by it's self? mom!!! robbie?