no, no, no i can't. i'm on a 12 hour blow! call tadesko. i wish i could help you sal. god damn union regulations. come on, you remember the union regulations, sal. i can think of a couple of women who'd be happy to tell you. is it 8:30? we say that? hey, this is one safe looking vehicle you got yourself here tim. congratulations. 8 o'clock huh? there he is! you got a hug? confusing handshake? kick in the teeth? the door's locked. : still working on those manners? hello, rachel! really, i got it from here, okay? it's a 302 v8. it's gonna be out of here next week. you better get going if you want to beat the traffic, don't you think? would you close the door please? now that that's my refrigerator. mary ann, let me get this. excuse me. i don't hear any complaints. believe it or not, i can handle it. mary ann? it's a good look for you. yeah. mary ann, you got nothing to worry about. listen, you tell your mother that ray sends his love and kisses. five minutes. it's not going to kill you. there he is. boston? that's how it is? that's how it's gonna be? careful with that throw. your mom says you've got a report due on monday, so you are going to work on that when you're done here. yeah, bullshit! everything. haven't you heard? between me and my brother, we know everything. that's one my brother knows. just do your report. we don't send you to school so you can flunk out. that's half of what i've got. that why you act like such a dick? what? what are you? your mother or mine? to sleep. i work for a living. you know, order. what's the matter? where'd you get it. come here. what, you want me to. you want me to take that out for you? well, come here let me see it. it's gonna get infected. yes, it's gonna get infected. push it out? yeah, i'll just put that on my platinum card. robbie? robbie? what is that? hummus? i meant order food! where is robbie? out where? in the springtime maybe. not this time of year. come on, we can see better from the back yard. that is so weird. the wind is blowing toward the storm. rachel, wanna see something cool? it's okay. it's okay. okay, you go ahead. kind of fun, ain't it? oh, come on. it's like the fourth of july. it's okay. you're fine. yeah, well it's not gonna hit there again because lighting doesn't strike twice in the same place. oh, shit! i don't know. where's the thunder? just checking things out. just wait, wait there. i don't know. no. i meant. rachel, please, just stop asking so many questions. just wait here. oh, jesus. oh, jesus. you're okay? are you okay? where the hell'd you go? did you see it? did you. were you near it? 26 times? okay, well, you're okay? good, because your sister is in the house, i want you to go in that house and i want you to stay with her. okay? and the next time you take my car with no driver's license and no permission, i call the cops. you better be there when i get back. robbie. manny! manny! hey manny. what is it, dead? lightning hit it? i'm on my way to find out. try umm. try changing the solenoids. i should of known you two were behind this. can you blame him? yep, you got power where you are? it's the cars though. that's the thing. a solar flare? is this the only place? no. it's freezing. you feel that? we're leaving this house in 60 seconds. all the food from the refrigerator and the cupboard, put it in here. just do it. rachel, sweetheart. i need you to get your suitcase. the one that you brought, bring it to me, okay? can you do that for me, darling? shh, shh, i can't tell you now. we. we've only got about another minute. please, please, please. just keep it down. just get in the front seat robbie. just get in. get in. i don't have time to expl. get in! get in manny or you're gonna die! close the door! close it! get down! get down! get down! just get down. get down! get down! we gotta go! we got to be the only working car around here. i'm not stopping until we are clear. we gotta go. you saw! we're under attack!! rachel. rachel you've got to keep it down rachel! rachel! shut up rachel! i can't think! well, look, i'm driving, do something!!! this thing, this machine, it crawled out of the ground and started torching everything, just killing everybody. no, this came from some place else. no robbie!! not like europe!!! that machine, it was already buried. maybe it came down in the lightning storm. no, the machine i'm talking about was buried. but, what came down in the lighting storm, what operates it. that's the. that's the. you know. the. hey rache. how you doing there girl? how she doing? good. hey, what was that thing you did with her? hey rachel i know. you feel better? yeah, tell me about it, you know? listen, i just need you to hold it together for me, okay? when you start screaming like that, you know, i can't really. i know. that's where we're going right now. i know!! she's not dead. all right? she's just no here. okay? they're never here. because they are on their way to boston. and so they just kept on going, they're probably up to your grandma's house by now. umm. because nothing bad happened here. okay? so, were safe here. all right? okay, rachel? this is your area. okay, you are safe in your area. okay, well, you hungry, huh? i'll get you some food. i'm gonna feed you. get something to eat. what do we have here?? ketchup, mustard, ahh, tabasco, barbeque sauce. this is really good robbie. vinaigrette. i said pack food. what. what the hell is this? okay. no, it's all right, it's all right. uh, food. uh, bread. okay, we're gonna have. umm. we'll just get some sandwiches. you ever see me deal? wanna see me deal? okay, there's two for you, two for robbie, two for me, . one for the house. maybe after we get done eating, i will take you down, teach you how to play some poker. a little five card stud. a little blackjack. since when? okay, well, umm, here you can eat the bread. okay? okay, well. robbie and i are going to be eating peanut butter sandwiches. you want jelly on this sandwich? you're not hungry either? well, that's fine. everybody just relax, okay? because we are here now and we're safe, and we're gonna stay. and in the morning your mom and tim are going to be here and everything's gonna be fine. okay? okay. it's like a slumber party. nice basement. okay. you know on the weather channel when there's a tornado, and they tell you to go to the basement for safety? it's like that. rachel, no more talking. no, this is something else. i never heard that before!!! we gotta go!! where do we go??? robbie, this is your house, where do we go?? wait!! wait!! wait!! wait!! down here! were you on this plane? are you a passenger? are you a passenger? where were you? there's more than one? oh, my god! i saw that storm. i was right in the middle of one of those. what is that? look at me. look at me. you keep your eyes only on me, you understand? don't look down, don't look around me. i'm taking you to the car and you're gonna want to look around. but you are not going to, are you? you're doing good. you're doing good. keep your eyes on me. we'll go right to boston, and we're gonna see your mom. that's a girl. that's my girl. okay, listen, i want you to close your eyes. got them closed? there you go. keep em' closed for me. robbie, get in. robbie!! get in!!! it's okay. get in! because i don't want everybody to see we've got a working car. we'll stay along the hudson until we find an open bridge or ferry, then we're gonna cross the hudson. then take the back roads across connecticut all the way to boston. i don't know. running, hiding, hiding in their basements. yeah, well, why don't you just let me make the big decisions, okay? okay! enough with the ray shit!! it's dad, sir, or if you want mr. ferrier. that sounds a little weird to me but you decide. yes, rachel. really? not so fast, not so fast, all right? now, there are two things we have to watch out for, and the second is people who might want our car. rachel! rachel, that's good right there. all right, then just go where i can see you! i'm not gonna look! just stay in sight!! listen. every time you don't listen to me, i'm telling your mother, okay? i'm making a list. i'm making a list! i told you to stay where i could see you! what!?!?! robbie, you want to go in that direction? there's nothing living in that direction, robbie!!! okay, hard ass, what's your plan? you're in charge now, you tell me what we're doing!! well, now let's try one that dosen't you have anything like that! you have anything like that?!?!?! if i close my eyes, why don't you drive for a bit. since when has that stopped you? don't stop. don't take your foot off. okay. i got it. i got it. i don't know rach. yeah, we do. he wants a ride. everybody just wants a ride. just sit back and put on your seatbelt. robbie, put on your seatbelt. put on your seatbelt rachel. i'm sorry, i can't. please get away from the car. hey!! oh hold on!! oh, god! are you okay? robbie?!?! robbie?!?!? no, just wait!!! wait!! stop!!! just stop!!! rachel!! get out of there!!! ahhh!!! rachel, get out of the car! get out of the car rachel!!! get off the car!! get off!!! get off the car!! move!! move!! where's my son?!?! where's my son?!?! robbie!! . robbie!! robbie!!! my daughter's in the car. all i want is my daughter. please, all i want is my daughter. i just want my daughter. please just let me take my daughter, can i. all i want is my daughter. robbie!! yeah, power's still on because nothing bad has come up from under the ground. sheryl? yes, this is rachel. hi, i've heard about you, nora. this is my son, robbie. you just stay with me! grab my jacket! you okay? come on! come on. sheryl?!?!? sheryl!!!! there's room on the boat!!! there's still room on the boat!!! there's room on the boat!!! there's room on the boat!!! stay with me! stay with me robbie!!! robbie!!! robbie!!! robbie!!! help me. help me with her. don't stop. don't stop. robbie. we got to stay together robbie. robbie! stay together! robbie!!! get back here!!! robbie!!! now don't move! for god's sake, stay right here! i'm coming right back! robbie!!! robbie!!! robbie!!! why are you doing this??? listen to me! turn around! i want you to listen to me! listen to me! don't do this! i love you! you don't!!! i'm not letting you do this!! you can you can hate me. but i love you!! i'm not letting you do this!!! just listen to me! wait, stay. stay for rachel. stay for your sister. get off!!! i'm her father!!! i'm her father!!! robbie?!?! there you go. is that comfortable? i need you to close your eyes now, okay? you need some sleep. he's gonna meet us. hey, robbie's gonna meet us, rach, in boston, at your grandma's. mom? she's in boston. waiting. and i know she's not sleeping 'cause she is so worried about you. . and she's in grandma's kitchen, and she's making that awful tea that she makes. and they're all just. . . there all just counting the minutes until they see you again. what is this? what. what is this? you won? i don't remember that one. i'm sorry rach, i don't know that one either. i'm not bragging, baby. so don't put me down. because i've got the fastest set of wheels in the town. something comes up to me that don't even try. if i had a set of wings, man, i know she could fly. she's my little deuce coupe. you don't know what i've got. just my little deuce coupe. you don't know what i've got. thank you. we got separated. he's gonna meet us in umm. in boston. did you. . did you loose anybody? ray ferrier. i'm sorry. i'm gonna get some sleep. please, my daughter. of course i am. thank you for taking us in. stay right there! i have a daughter! why did you bring us here? rachel! you don't have anything to say to her, do you understand? if you want to talk to somebody, or ask somebody a question, you ask me! listen. it stopped. will you shut up and listen?!?!?! give me that! keep your voice down!!! quiet!!! stop it! stop it! you gotta stop it! you gotta be quiet or they'll hear you! please, they'll hear you! you gotta be quiet! they're gonna come back down here! do you understand what i'm gonna have to do? i can't let my daughter die because of you. stop it! stop it!! stop it!!! you stop it!!! whatever you hear. don't take this off. rach? what was that song. that lullaby i didn't know? yeah. please, rach, sing it. don't stop. that's my girl. rachel??? rachel!!! oh, my god, no! rachel? rachel? rachel?? rachel, make some noise baby. rachel?? rachel? rachel? talk to me baby, come on! rachel?!? rachel?!?!?! rachel!!!! rachel!!! ahh! no no no!!! hey!!! ahhh! rachel!! rachel. rachel. rachel. it's dying. what happened? something's happening to them? excuse me, excuse me, what happened here? you guys take it down? rachel, i'm not sure. look at the birds!!! look at the birds!!! look at the god damn birds!!! no shields!!! no shields!!! it's safer in here!