of course you lost. a roosevelt on the democratic ticket? our ancestors are turning in their graves. rubbish. but i do know one thing: you're exactly like him. my father was born wanting only one thing: to be president. do you know what they're saying about you? they say f.d.r. stands for "featherduster." that you're a lightweight. a dilettante with no substance; no point of view. you lead with your vanity. you talk when you should listen. unless these are the qualities of a democrat? darling, you're a roosevelt. what do you know about people? of course, i can think of one person you did manage to find the time to invest in. a miss mercer, i believe? don't misunderstand me, franklin. being married to eleanor i think you deserved some fun. but you made the right decision. especially since miss mercer has gone on with her life. edward rutherford is a wonderful catch for a girl like her. last week. a small event, of course. and then love bloomed. as a "man of the people," i wouldn't be too hard on her, franklin. we can't all have trust funds you know.