unfortunately, i would be of little assistance to the junior assistance league. particularly if my purpose were to appear as an alumna who is gifted at public speaking. thank you and if you ask again i shall scream? mr. howe, wouldn't you be more comfortable waiting for my husband outside? if you like. should i expect you for dinner? do you wish me to come? thank you, no. i have offered franklin his freedom. it's obvious that my input in this matter is of little importance. for forcing me to face my life honestly for the first time. you never do. you live your life skimming the surface. never aware of the attachments beneath. it must be a luxury. dinner is in one half-hour! come in and change, children! go wash up. i must check on dinner. what is the prognosis? dear god. beat) and the children? but what kind of life is that? he can pursue a career, mama. mama! that's not fair! what kind of life is it to be hidden away? i know you believe that what you are suggesting for franklin is best. but i think you are making it harder for him. and i am his wife. james has been doing so much better now that elliot has joined him at groton. they've put their differences behind them and have become a real team. two peas in a pod. last week they were both in the infirmary with the f same cold. call me eleanor. how long have you been manager of the inn? this is madness. tell me again, franklin, why are we here? this is simply revolting. you want to stay. new york has the best doctors and hospitals in the country. this isn't about getting better is it? you don't want to come home. you don't want to live with us. you're not a burden, you're my husband. no. i don't want freedom. i want a marriage. i want a life with you. oh franklin. it's not up to me to imagine, it's up to you. thank you for stopping by, mr. howe. well, he's enjoying the waters very much. he. i think we've lost him. louis. we are facing imminent disaster. good afternoon. i am so pleased to be invited here today. looking down at her cards) too often. too often. too often the great decisions are originated and given form in bodies made up wholly of men. so that whatever political value women have to offer is shunted aside. without expression. i think this might be the reason i am having such a difficult time giving voice to my own thoughts here today. i'm reminded of what someone once said about looking at an elephant. that it is impossible to ever see an entire elephant from one place -- you must walk around it. if our elected leaders are to be truly effective then they must be willing to go out of their way to look beyond what is right in front of them. to see the entire elephant. and for that. they need our help. oh. it would be an honor. grandmother delano brought this from china. give it to james. he's the tallest. it was an extraordinary turnout this afternoon. louis says there were over two hundred people in the audience. you truly believe the waters. . that they are helping? how am i supposed to talk to you? i don't know how anymore. "my dear franklin, i too am embarking on an altogether remarkable experience." "it seems everywhere i go there are more people in dire need of help. it would be overwhelming if not for my deep belief that help is possible" "louis's latest flash of brilliance is to take me 'mainstream.' he said that you would know what he means by this." "i hope you are finding your work to be gratifying in both mind and heart. your beloved, eleanor." franklin has invited louis and me to see the work he's been doing. i beg your pardon, mama? indulged him? i have indulged him? he's a grown man who makes his own decisions. if it's of any comfort to you, i agree. no, it is not settled. we must hear him out. louis and i must see for ourselves the work that he has been doing then we will all discuss this further. perhaps you have. but that has been my fault, not yours. the wire said someone would be here to pick us up. and there are other costs to consider. i'm not speaking of money. franklin, i need for you to be practical and realistic. i don't care for ultimatums disguised as debate. i will see you gentlemen tonight. let me. what is your most pressing concern? and that costs more money. a few weeks ago, the conditions at a garment factory on west 27th street were brought to my attention. the owners claimed everything was satisfactory, but would never let anyone in to conduct a proper inspection. it took awhile, but we finally got in. i showed up with someone from the labor board and we refused to leave until they let us in. at the risk of my good standing with the junior assistance league, i suggest we crash the party. so sorry we're late! eleanor roosevelt, niece of the late president theodore roosevelt and this is my husband, franklin, former assistant secretary of the navy. thank you, dr. bissell for agreeing to let us share the stage with you today. it was so generous of you. my husband, as many of you may have read, is a victim of polio. however, victim is only a definition, not a state of mind. franklin? we have come to the shared conclusion that research for the cause and the cure for infantile paralysis is paramount. for the league of women voters? what is it? i don't know how to drive. i'll break the news to mama. i think it's going to be fun. you? franklin roosevelt? i do so love you. why do i get the feeling we're not smiling about the same thing? roy, so good to see you. you're a mess. oh my darling. that's not true. no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. you have done a brilliant thing here -- a magnificent thing. franklin, are you all right? my darling, they'll never see past your legs unless you do. yes? yes, i do. i certainly do.