i've been standing here for five minutes. don't remember. that's good, isn't it? i see it's not even eight a.m. and already the gloves are off. good morning, babs. hello, miss mercer. l because they always seem more grateful to see me when i arrive. have a lovely day, babs. i have the navy reception this evening. i'll be home quite late. unless you've changed your mind about coming? well. whatever you'd like. very well then. good day, miss mercer. what did i think of it? i better read it. steel workers tend to vote democratic. next. must i? anything else? who? i can handle my own affairs, louis. you say that like it's a bad thing. and i have accepted. i am in love with miss mercer, mama. babs! for what? i didn't mean to hurt you, babs. my trust fund. i humbly accept your nomination for vice-president! they say the best way to get rid of a man is to have him run for vice- president. you might well have asked my cousin teddy if that's how they got rid of him! cousin alice, if teddy were alive he'd be a democrat -- and you know it. and what's wrong with that? no, but i'm sure you'll tell me. is that what you think? alice, stop. what are you talking about? she's married? when i last heard she was governess to his children. really? of which state? what about al smith? boy scouts, louis? hardly my political base. franklin roosevelt, happy to meet you. of course! what's your name, son? guiseppe! come sta, ragazzo? festina lente! up! up, chicks! you heard your mother! i'm fine. oh, that's pretty, babs. very well. of you? never. yes, dear. leave me here. let the ocean swallow me up. burial at sea. perfect for a navy man. louis? no letter? no wire? what the hell are you doing here? stanley, this is mr. howe. he gets sea-sick at the mere sight of a boat so he's probably happy that it's being ldestroyed right now. you're always so generous with my money. so mama financed this fool's errand, has she? well, it's a waste of a trip. nothing. i fancy nothing. i can still read. getting me? for one thing, no one gets to see me and i don't get to see them. skimming the letter) from george foster peabody. he owns a resort in rural georgia for investment purposes. hot springs or something. he claims that only recently a crippled boy swam in the waters and can walk again. " the high magnesium content of these natural springs will hold anyone up. although it is not a resort for infirm types i am extending you my personal invitation to come visit in the off- season." i'm only welcome in the "off- season." what? and i'm sick of home. where's the letter from peabody? why not miracle waters? i've drunk the oil of monkey glands, been zapped with electricity and hung upside down in harnesses. after all that, this sounds downright peaceful. where do you picture me, louis? president, louis? i can't visit the bathroom without a team of associates to help pull my pants down. hello! hello! mr. loyless? then you'd better call me franklin. and this is the misses. beautiful country. got any paved roads? i. i can't stay here. this place is a wreck. fire. i'm frightened of fire. i can't get out if i'm upstairs. well ventilated, at least. the bedroom, roy, thank you. tom, this young man appears quite competent. would you ask him if he'd like to stay on as my valet? no doubt. for the waters. are you coming? mrs. roosevelt doesn't know how. aunt sally. i can't even stand. it's not very good, but it is mysterious. what in the world do you think they've poured over this chicken? or is it possum? yes. i refuse to be a burden to anyone. i want to offer you the freedom you once so generously offered me. all you've ever known is duty. to me and to a political career that unless i can walk no longer exists. you've been exemplary. now i'm telling you you're free to go. i can't imagine what you think that life is going to be. to your mineral pool, or whatever you call it. too strong? i have. are you always this direct, tom? everyone likes my martinis. tell me more about what that boy did, aunt sally. if it was only that easy. yes, ma'am. i'm standing. i'm standing. cocktail, lionel? all the more reason. sort of late for the mail, isn't it? reading other people's mail is not only impolite, it's illegal. astonishing. thank you, lionel. this is so unlike eleanor. she's terrified of crowds. i walked five steps today! do you mean all this time i've been talking to a newspaper man? you mean the klan? good god, tom. well, that explains a few things. for the life of me, i couldn't figure out why someone like you was running this -- i was going to say dump, but rat- trap fits nicely. i can't imagine your readers are interested in ancient history. cox and i lost the election by a wide margin. now it's the waters extra minerals plus its warmth that makes all the difference. at 90 degrees i can work my muscles for hours and not get cold. i forgot one more thing you will need to write down. poor circulation is a chronic problem for people in my condition. i don't know. yes. i am. therefore, a formal questionnaire should be composed in order so we may hear from all recent delegates as to how we can do better in '28 to present a more united front. signed, franklin roosevelt, etc., etc. thank you, missy, and c.c. that to louis. not really. different people i knew in politics. just in case they ever want me back. exactly. yes. who are you? i'll be damned. when? next spring? how is that possible? are you graduating? i see. good afternoon. at groton, where i graduated from high school, our beloved headmaster encouraged his students to enter public life. i chose to attend harvard for my undergraduate work and then columbia for my law degree. i followed my headmaster's advice and sought a career in public life. but circumstances beyond my control have made that. very difficult. i've given many speeches in my life. i don't know why i'm having such a hard time making this one. my god did you see how they were looking at me? don't patronize me. no, elliot. just your grandmama. i can do it. that's marvelous, babs. you wonder why i want to go back to georgia. it's to avoid people who look at me the way you just did. don't talk to me as if i were a child. choosing your words so carefully. like i was! talk to me like i was! we missed you at the station. tom, are you all right? my father had ulcers. damn irritating. what in blazes?. i really don't know what to say. get me out of here. exactly. you have a business to run, not i! of course they are! it's not my concern. i want to be left alone! afraid? what you're talking about? don't be ridiculous. i resent your trying to -- god damn it! out of my way! get out of my goddamn way! expecting someone? mother of god. son, can you hear me? fred? it's going to be all right, son. when did you last eat? roy, take him to the car. who in their right mind let's a child ride in the baggage car! you could have killed that boy. don't dismiss me because i sit in this chair! you ignorant son of a bitch. if i could, i'd get up right now and lock you in that box car! see how you like it! where's the nearest hospital? what about a doctor? let's go home. how many can pay? i want these people in the cottages, not in the inn. it's safer. what do you mean? such ignorance! don't they know that after the fever breaks we are no longer contagious? they don't want us to eat in their presence? that won't be necessary. we still need a doctor here. for everyone. "dear babs, things are very different upon my return." i am taking on responsibilities which none of my schooling in the spheres of higher learning or politics could have prepared me for. i have seen the casualties of war. but i have never seen this, a suffering so insidious, so silent, that it rattles my soul." soon. when you're a little stronger. me too. how long has it been. since you walked? did she sell it? and who is this delightful child? all right daisy, try and kick your legs. excellent, daisy! now folks, these exercises are of my own devising so bear with me. my hope is that in repeating these movements over and over in the water i'm in some way causing the muscles to regenerate themselves and repair the damage. so everybody grab the edge of the pool and move what you can! go ahead now, do your best! whether in here or our there, i guarantee you the food will taste the same. terrible. by all means. would you do us the honor? damn! depends. are you a lawyer? then roosevelt it is. wait! should i? it got read, i assure you. but probably not by me. it can help them regain lost strength. incredibly i've come to the same conclusion myself. join the club. give me the good news first. must be all that sitting. i'm supposed to walk on one side? there's a need for a place like this, tom. i wish there was more to read. damn few things being written about any of this. to think of someone like fred. locked away. his mind and heart so vibrant. what's the acreage here? i want to buy it. i think it would make one hell of an investment. twelve hundred acres? enough for two resorts, don't you think? do you think old peabody will sell? how can you be so sure? peabody you old reprobate! how are you? you'll never guess why i'm calling. welcome push boys! good day, eloise. it's hardly a done deal, but for better or worse, you may be looking at the new owner of this god- forsaken place. i am buying it. make no mistake about that. not everything in this world has to be about profits. too rich for my blood. very well. gentlemen, the game is five card stud, sevens are wild. sevens are wild and you can all go to hell! where do you think you're going? i can't do this without you. we're only just beginning. i. i'll take you to the best doctors. we'll go to atlanta right now -- you never pitied me. thank you for that. i will miss you all the days of my life. peter, what are you doing with tom's car? what are you talking about? pete. i can't drive a car. got it. oh, yes i am! your chariot awaits, madame! tuesday! can't wait to give you the tour! a small schoolhouse will go there. we need it badly as many of the children are barred from the local schools due to their infirmities. we also require a blacksmith's shop so we can craft braces here on the premises. i've found a wonderful local man who can make crutches and canes. his work is outstanding. of course what is most desperately needed is a hospital. that's going to put my fund raising abilities to the test. that this will be the first polio rehabilitation and treatment center in the world. my personal trust almost covers the price of the inn and the surrounding land. there will be a modest tuition charged to the patients which should hold us over while i seek out investors. mama will see that the children are provided for. i have found something here which makes waking up in the morning remotely bearable and the two of you stand there. practical? i am trapped inside a body that no longer moves of my own volition. i am trying to be practical. now either you're with me or against me. in or out! where are you going? eleanor! get back here. oh really? are you an expert on this now? how should i speak to my wife, louis? could be? when i can walk, i'll run. this is a very special night we're celebrating. at last we are together eating in this dining room! now please join me in welcoming miss jackie mills, a new arrival along with her father, samuel, all the way from oakland, california. let us also take this opportunity to welcome our two able-bodied guests, mr. louis howe and my better half, mrs. franklin roosevelt. now for the musical portion of our program. before we say good night, i understand our royal-taskmaster- in-residence, miss mahoney, insists on having the last word. getting a doctor to live on the premises full-time. someone who, at the very least, could monitor our progress. make us legitimate. yes. but the real problem is no one is interested. the annual orthopedics convention is being held in atlanta this weekend and i offered to speak. they turned me down flat. we? what are you suggesting? good night, babs. good afternoon! are you sure this worked on 27th street? patients can stay in these waters for up to an hour. this is essential in allowing them the time to work on strengthening their muscles. the sooner the better. who are you? i'll teach you. babs. words fail me. it is. how's the boll weevil situation? hello, souders. how are you?. couldn't be better. i was wondering if you'd found a buyer for my naval prints? i see. well, they're in marvelous condition. all right, souders. oh one more thing. i have some beautiful pieces of my grandfather's -- t'ang dynasty. really?. an auction in the fall? that sounds promising. i'll be in touch. what am i going to tell these people if i have to close things down? any good news? the operative word was good. ". therefore, in conclusion, my research has shown that the overwhelming majority of patients here have shown some improvement. enough for me to recommend warm water therapy as the standard post polio treatment to the orthopedics society of america!" roy! read it. out loud. page twenty-nine. read it! keep reading. please. patronizing son-of-a-bitch! i wanted to walk again. it won't change anything for me. i've done no such thing. i'm not going. no. he was a war hero. as much for you as for me. the report. i'll never. i'm useless, eleanor. i feel so useless. who's that? elliot! i sense a conspiracy. what? how is that possible? one small bump and i'll land right on my keister! i can't. i'm fine. i'm just. i know, i know. no, it's not. it's political. good afternoon, everyone! damn. you okay son? yes, i did, daisy. twelfth time today. must be a new record! and so america must find. no, america needs a pathfinder. to emblaze the trail along a high road that will avoid. avoid the bottomless morass. what if i fall. trying to get to the podium. no, if i fall in front of thousands of people i lose everything but their pity. they'll be writing my obituary before i get up off the floor. who are we fooling? this will never work. they'll never let me back into politics. they'll never see past my legs. oh, you'll be with me. no question of that. i am proud more than you will ever know to be part of this community. a community based not on birthright or privilege, but on compassion and courage. the true power of these waters is that they brought us all together. our ability to help one another is what will make our victory over polio endure. our ability to survive. despite the odds. what we have done and will continue to do until this disease is defeated is come together -- like a family -- and do what we do best. lift each other up. miss mahoney i need to speak with you, please. thank you. don't wear it in the pool. i'm throwing myself to the wolves. i'll always come back here. you're being superstitious, louis. there aren't any reporters here. thank you. louis, what the hell am i doing? let's go. laugh as if i'm making a joke.