jake perrini, bronx, new york. how you doin'? c'mon -- i won't bite. hey, would you mind pulling me outta this trap, roy? i wanna get airborne. do me one more favor? throw me in? fine! here's your twenty-five! you better have something. wait a minute! i can't let this opportunity pass without saying out loud what a lot of us feel in our hearts right now. you're a man among men, franklin. it's a real democracy at warm springs -- everybody gets heard! you listening? all right then, if i may do the honors of presenting to you the lovely miss eloise hutchison of cottage c. he doesn't have a choice. how can you disagree? "there but for the grace of god goes us," that's what they're saying. as if our bodies is who we are, but it's not. it's our souls is who we are, but they don't know that. it's not gonna matter if he hides his legs as long as he don't hide what he knows. and what he knows is what it's like to be one of us.