someone important? who? teddy? oh. and get the collier boys. evening folks. i can't. i'm working for the federal government. not for me it isn't. got a whole packet of clippings for you, mr. roosevelt. from a mr. howe. new york times, journal-american. don't know what else. your mother wants to know when you're coming home. she says they got swimming pools in hyde park. she's mad as all hell. sheriff don't mind. he likes i read his mail. saves him the time. plus a lot of folks around here can't read, so it's more a public service, really. almost forgot. your wife wrote the nicest letter. she's gonna make a speech at the league of women voters. says she's gonna keep the roosevelt name alive. least till he starts walkin' and all. creditors are gettin' cranky. oh, yah, almost forgot. the doctor that came and studied ya'll sent his report. save me the stamps? here's another one he's refusin'. don't like telegrams. all them stops and stuff. a little bit. who's he? all right. probably slide it right back.