--addressing the united nations today, the president expressed his concern over the increasingly intense territorial disputes in both asia and the middle east. cut to: the president of the united states-- while the president's position was clear, he did not comment on whether or not he would order dr. manhattan into action should the situation continue to escalate. cut to: stock footage of dr. manhattan--a man, at least he appears to be, who has glowing blue skin. the stock footage shows dr. manhattan flying through the air as a missile heads straight for him. this just in--masked vigilante rorschach has assaulted a new york city police officer who was guarding a crime scene in the early morning hours. rorschach is on the fbis ten most wanted list for violation of the keene act, which banned masked heroes ten years ago. dan and hollis watch as an image of rorschach flashes on screen. today, police searched the apartment of walter kovacs, better known as the masked vigilante rorschach. kovacs was captured last night and charged with the murder of edgar jacobi, formerly known as the supervillain moloch. moloch was found shot in the head at point blank range. both dan and laurie stop what they're doing, eyes fixed on the tv: they see rorschach, unmasked, in shackles. inside the decrepit apartment, police discovered stacks of right-wing literature, including several years of back issues of the ultra-conservative publication, "the new frontiersman." we asked "new frontiersman" editor, hector godfrey, for comment. cut to: a clip of the editor being interviewed. we see seymour, who we met at the news stand, in the background. during his capture, kovacs assaulted and severely injured at least nine police officers, shooting one officer with a grappling gun. that officer is in serious but stable condition.