it's been a long time, rorschach. rorschach turns to see two thugs standing side by side, one muscle bound, the other very fat, staring at him through the bars. pan down: to reveal a midget between them--the supervillain known as the big figure--his silver hair combed neatly back, a big cigar perched in his tiny mouth. i like that. but you know, it is a small world in here. i've been in it for--how long now, billy? that's right. twenty years since you and that owl fella put me away. rorschach-- that guy you burned is dying. could go any minute now. and when he does, this place is gonna explode. then you die by inches. relax, lloyd. soon. chuckling, big figure walks off down the long, shadowed corridor. rorschach continues staring, straight ahead. he's dead, rorschach--the riot's already begun. while everyone's distracted, we thought we'd bring you a housewarming gift. something from the machine shop. the fat thug wheels an electrical welder to the door. rorschach sits, idly tearing his prison shirt into strips. this riot won't last. and i've been waiting twenty years for this big figure nods to the dumb thug, who then grabs fat thug's neck. now you find out what the score is. hurry lloyd! i wanna smell this sonofabitch cooking! the lock melts away. rorschach climbs onto his bunk as dumb thug enters, jabbing the electric welder at him menacingly. rorschach drives his heel into the porcelain toilet bowl, shattering it. water spills across the floor. rorschach kicks dumb thug in the stomach; dumb thug buckles, then slips in the water--dumb thug falls, welder still in hand as he hits the water dumb thug's hand fuses to the welder as electricity surges through him. he collapses, smoking. dead.