edward blake--63 years old, six-two, 225. a solid 225, guy was built like a linebacker. this is plate glass too, you'd have to step on the gas just to put a crack in this. had to be a two man job. at least. you check the bedroom? robbery? you're saying this guy was a spook? you think this might be a political murder? if there's anyone in there with you, send let's make this a nice, clean surrender. alright. i hope you're ready, "hero." rorschach's mask disappears back into darkness. we've got him. there's no way out. from the second floor, rorschach smashes through the window, snarling like a rabid dog, landing hard on the concrete. his ankle twists, dropping him to the ground. rorschach struggles to get to his feet. when he looks up he finds twenty cops in a semi-circle before him. a loaded, pregnant pause. the cops rush forward.