rorschach is an american patriot and we are proud that he reads this publication. seymour! is that dulmage's editorial cartoon? war's coming, seymour--i don't wanna hear some knob's life story! chuck it in the crank file! seymour tosses rorschach's journal into a pile of letters. seymour! what the hell do you got for me? we got nothing to write about. everyone in the country, every country in the world is holding hands now, singing songs about peace and love--it's like we're living in a goddamn global hippie commune ! crank file? whatever! take some initiative! run whatever you like-- seymour turns to the pile of submissions known as the crank file, where rorschach's journal sits on top. seymour reaches-- --i leave it entirely in your hands. --and picks up rorschach's journal . just as he's about to open it, we cut to black.