jon, did you say some--rorschach: what are you doing here? you're a wanted man. don't call me that. my mother made me take that name. i always hated it. well, i might not be able to count molecules, but either way, blake was a bastard. you know he tried to rape my mother? what? are you accusing-- you call rape a moral discrepancy?! interference? caused by what? more war talk. i can't deal with this. i don't want to think about the future right now. --that time is simultaneous. there's no past to travel back to, no future to travel forward to, everything happens all at once, our actions affect the course of time instantly, yes i know. i know. i think i've been cooped up on this base for too long. rorschach mentioned dan dreiberg--we haven't seen him in years. maybe we can give him a call, see if he's available for dinner tonight. out. no, thank you. i called a cab already-- it's waiting for me outside. she tries to walk past but agent forbes steps in front of her. an old friend of mine. and of dr. manhattan's. now step out of my way. yes, sir. she brushes past him as she leaves. you remember that crazy guy, what did he call himself . captain carnage! pretended to be a supervillian just so he could get beat up all the time? sorry, sorry, that's not funny. i can't remember the last time i laughed like this. it feels good. dan looks at her as she finishes her coffee. we can see he's smitten with her and that he probably has been for years. laurie seems oblivious. yeah, this was fun. the waiter arrives with the check; laurie grabs it. let me put my expense account to use. you can thank uncle sam. just making sure i'm not doing anything that might upset the country's most powerful weapon. i really don't know. it's been harder and harder to tell over the years. it's like his emotions are slowly eroding. to be honest, i can't tell if he even cares about me anymore. they're quiet a moment. laurie glances at her watch. i should get back. y1 know, when i think back, why did we do it? why did we dress up like that? i think the keene act was the best thing to ever happen to us. i mean, you remember my costume? all that tight spandex? that was awful. and to think my own mother pushed me into that spandex. pushed me into the whole costume thing in the first place. wanted her little girl to be just like mommy and fight bad guys. we'll do this again. well, i'm not. i hate it when jon teleports me. no. sally pours herself a margarita from a pitcher on the counter. we see photos, remnants of sally from her crimefighting days around the condo. under the pitcher of margaritas is a days old la times with the headline: "dr. manhattan intercepts terrorists at port." poor eddie? how can you say that? after what he-- mmm. what time do you have to be at your tv interview? hey, your finger, it's like licking a battery. it's all-- she opens her eyes. they widen in shock and horror as she sees two dr. manhattans in bed with her. oh god! that's horrible! stop it! laurie jumps up. the two dr. manhattans stand, confused. i'm sorry, i--you startled me, that's all forget about it. i overreacted. it was just strange to see-- laurie can now see into the kitchen, where yet a third dr. manhattan is working on an experiment. her eyes blaze. how long have you been working in here? understand!? you're working in here at the same time we're in bed!? shut up! just shut your mouth! laurie whips a full beaker at 3's chest. it passes through him and smashes in the kitchen sink. laurie storms out. human emotion? you were human once. that's the problem, jon. you've forgotten that. it's laurie. i left jon. i lost them in the subways. i think. living with him . dan, you don't know what it's been like. intercut to: dr. manhattan, holding laurie's bra. staring. i hope i didn't ruin your night. i know. i just find it rude when people show up at your door-- i should find a hotel. god. imagine, us getting mugged. no thanks, i've had enough hero stuff for one night. you take care, dan. it's a dangerous world out there. you're the comedian, right? you were pretty cool in there. blake lights a smoke, looks her over. got another smoke? no. not really. as blake gives her a light, laurie touches his hand to cover the lighter from the wind. she looks up at him, sly. i don't understand, what do you mean, jon's gone? no. jon? jon, can you hear me? the graph-needles jump and tick, searching . when a high, clear tone rings through the room. needles fly. technicians dash to lock it down. agent forbes hurries to the graph, looking over their shoulders. agent forbes. i need to go to the bathroom. agent forbes gives her a look, then waves for a secret service agent to escort her. you're getting me out of here. don't you understand that sitting there with a bunch of high tech radios and monitors isn't going to bring him back? only one thing can bring ion back and that's jon. if he wants to find me, he's quite capable of doing so on his own. i've been a prisoner in my live long enough. you are taking me out of here because if you don't, and jon does come back, i'm going to let him know who was naughty and who was nice. and he won't give you a lump of coal--he'll turn you into one, understand? the agent eyes her, then reluctantly gets to his feet. oh my god. where's adrian now? i'm not sure. i can't go stay with my mom- -i'm sure that's the first place they'll look. but i need to get out of the city. it's only a matter of time before they find me. oh, dan, i couldn't impose-- you're buying into rorschach's "mask killer" theory? okay. what time is it? that mask's eaten rorschach's brains away. he shot a cop with a grappling gun. and this war, god. sometimes i wish i could just leave the planet. like jon. now, that's funny. that's what you call jon's teleportation? all these gadgets and there isn't even a dash lighter she hits a button--the lights inside go dim. creepy. she hits the button again to turn the lights back on but nothing i'm so sorry--i hit the wrong button. i was looking for the lighter in.there. i'm fine, but your ship-- archie? still with the mask-killer theory? rorschach is insane. how did you ever afford all this? how did he die? you really do worry about me, don't you? what's wrong? but dan is already walking up the stairs, pathetic. laurie's left there, alone. the owl-costume looming in the background. dan? is everything okay? i heard you coming down the stairs descending the stairs, she finds dan before his costume, naked. he fiddles with an owl-wing throwing weapon. so. let's take the ship out. who's to know? i used to be a "masked avenger" too, remember? i'm used to getting up at three in the morning to do something stupid. besides, i'm already a wanted lady, you're already in trouble for hiding me, how much more trouble can we be in? just give me a second--can't go out like this. she jogs upstairs. dan turns to the empty, waiting suit. i'm ready. dan turns and sees his reflection in the owl-ship's window. it's so beautiful look! below, a tenement building is engulfed in flame. dan's jaw sets. he wheels the ship around and down. as they zoom closer, they can see people screaming from the windows. there's children in there! i'm on it. nite owl. hi. if you could all form a line, we'll have you out of here in just a moment. atop the ship: dan latches the steering column into its roof socket. he stands; takes a deep, chest-expanding breath. who has he been kidding? this is who he is. flicking a switch old jazz plays pleasantly. anybody want coffee? i can't believe we did that! that was actually fun it was good, wasn't it? so . what do we do next? dan sits up, serious. very serious. look, dan, i'm glad you were able to rediscover your calling in life, but i think you're getting carried away. you're talking about springing a homicidal psychopath from prison. why would someone want to drive ion away? look what's happening now. with jon gone it looks like we're headed for another world war. who would want that? it's happening dan breaks away from the terrible news, follows adrian. no. but this is. she moves next to him. but i'm not doing it for rorschach or even for jon. and i'm sure as hell not doing if for the comedian. they look at each other--dan knows who she's doing it for. the owl-ship is upon the prison now look! they see a riot below--inmates spilling out into the yard, overwhelming the correctional officers on the ground; tower guards take shots at some of the inmates; broken glass, broken furniture parts scattered through the yard; smoke emits from inside the prison. how are we going to find rorschach in all of this? how do we know he's still alive? they come upon rorschach's cell. dan sees the smoking corpse of dumb thug. sees the cut off hands of fat thug, hanging from the bars. is that-- oh, for christ's sake. are you sure you're ready? we don't want to go diving head-first into things. i'm not. what's that supposed to mean? we came here to rescue you, asshole! it `s him. the ship collides with dr. manhattan, who passes through into the cabin with a shower of blue particles-- they said you were on mars. where? what are you talking about? i have to go, dan. jon and i, we're going to talk. maybe we'll find some way out of this mess the world's gotten itself in. i'll be okay. really. j--huc? hhhhhhh-- laurie grips her throat and tumbles down the hill. she rolls into jon, waiting for her at the bottom. she claws at him. jon, you stupid bastard! listen, you better not forget this air supply or whatever it is oh shit. laurie stands up before jon's huge glass palace. i'm on mars. you . know about me and dan? jon, i'm having enough problems right now without getting into your predestination crap. because. if you already know the future, why were you surprised when i left you, or when that reporter ambushed you? why even debate if you already know the outcome? agh! this is so typical of you! do you know what a relief it is to be with somebody human, like dan? but you already know . you said-- that's ridiculous. the earth is too important to hinge on one relationship. are you doing this? i'm not in the mood for jokes. can't you just tell me how this all ends and save us the trouble? tears. you mean i lose? you don't come back to earth? you mean there's going to be a war? an actual, nuclear war? static? jon, you've got to stop it! everyone will die! you're right, jon--what does human life matter next to a, a neutrino. look, i'm not going to debate you when you clearly don't see anything terribly miraculous about life. i guess quantum physics doesn't allow for miracles. oh god, jon. land this thing. now. that's it then. you can send me back to earth to fry with dan and my mom and all the other worthless humans. and look, you were wrong. you said this ended with me in tears and see? not a damp eye in the house. maybe you're wrong about everything. i'm not afraid, okay? you want me to see things your way? go ahead, do that thing you do. she stands there, arms folded, waiting. then, just like earlier in the lab, jon touches her head-- mommy? no. no, no, no, no not him but he-- no!!i laurie whips a bottle at the palace-- --and the huge glass construction crumbles. jon protects them with a force field as debris collapses around them. laurie sobs in the echoing silence. jon's eyes shut. he seems to feel . empathy. a tear slips down his cheek. laurie's realization is a revelation for ion. the comedian is my father. i guess my life is just one big joke. well, of course you're going to say that. what? but you were saying-- but if my birth is a miracle you, you could say that about anyone. god jon, what was that? jon looks around the street. even he is awe-struck. was it a war? it doesn't seem like-- take me out of here, jon. please. anywhere. anywhere's better than here. wait, this is adrian's compound? are you saying he's responsible for this-- jon walks toward the building, entranced. distracted. what, daniel? millions of others? jon don't start that crap now, not here! you're such an asshole. adrian cries out, leaps at her as she fires-- --and hits adrian. he collapses. dan and rorschach find them as laurie approaches adrian's body oh shit. adrian opens his eyes and kicks her in the stomach, sending her flying back. next? you can't get away with this! we we can't say anything about this leaving? i, i thought you regained an interest in human life. dan! laurie charges adrian. with one hand, adrian blocks her attack, grabs her by the hair and slams her to floor, knocking her out. i'm okay. thanks. we finally see laurie now--her hair dyed, appearance changed. mom--i just want to get this out of the way . . i know eddie blake, the comedian--i know he was my father. sally freezes. i remember. sally downs her drink, immediately starts making another. mom. people's lives take them strange places. you never did anything wrong by me. sally jumps as a click. whir sound comes from a bookcase. oh that's dan. home from "work." the bookcase slides aside and a blond dan enters from the secret elevator. he is trim and confident, cheeks flushed with color. buttoning up his shirt, he spots sally. any bad guys last night? dan. will it be alright? the world, i mean. he puts his arm around her shoulder. yeah. just fine 130: next week? dan nods, then leaves. i think it's better to be the world's most modest man. you should ignore my pr people, they tend to be a little too enthusiastic. though adrian seems to be sprinting at top speed, he hardly seems out of breath as he answers questions. sara can be tough. is that why you came to see me? you're worried about this mask killer theory rorschach's conjured up? i'm sorry, it's just a little unnerving to be with someone who can see the future, or whatever you call it. whatever happened to him? well, i guess my ride is here. she gives dan a hug. i'll catch up with you guys--i left my watch inside . jon backs into the chamber without noticing the digital clock above the doors counting down: 3 2 1--"time lock initiated"--the doors close . back to: dr. manhattan on mars as he stops to pick up a strange rock. it's beautiful--the colors, the crystals-- unlike anything we've ever seen-- --and we flashback to jon's lab colleagues watching in horror as jon retrieves his watch, oblivious. they try to open the door, but it's no use--the time lock can't be overridden. janey arrives, screams when she sees jon inside. jon turns, sees all the terrified faces staring at him. begin the first wave of air strikes. what about you? what are you going to do? so this guy who tried to kill adrian--who was he? short for archimedes--merlin's owl. i'm just glad you're okay. i heard you scream and well, you know, after the comedian-- i think we should spring rorschach. "earlier today i came across what appeared to be a suicide. it was later learned to be a homicide. someone's time was up." we're not going to make it, are we? rorschach says nothing . when a halting whine sputters from the engines. a huge cliff appears before them. i don't understand any of this. adrian's a pacifist. he's never killed anyone in his life. he's a vegetarian for christ's sake! i did it thirty minutes ago.