what are you talking about? i'm a retired business maaaaahhh! oh god, please. i did my time. i'm not moloch anymore. what do you want from me? rorschach lets him go. moloch's hollow eyes follow him. the funeral? i don't know why i went. i just felt i should. i'd been thinking about the comedian-- rorschach slams moloch against the wall. he broke in here! a week ago! he, he had his mask off. he was drunk-- i don't know! i woke up in my bedroom and there he was! he was upset! crying! he, he was babbling, not making sense. i was pissing in my pants--i thought he was going to kill me! he said he was wrong. about it all being a joke, that it wasn't funny anymore. he said he was scared-- something he saw, i think. he said something about wishing he never broke into that building. but that he had to keep his mouth shut. then, then he left! rorschach studies moloch a moment, then releases him. so that's it? i'm clean? illegal--i don't use drugs. rorschach pulls a pill bottle from his coat. oh c-come on. look, please don't confiscate that. i'm trying anything . i have cancer. the kind you don't get better from.