depressing ain't it? yeah. irony's a bitch. the man pays for a newspaper when a homeless man taps the news vendor on the shoulder. it's late this month. i dunno, pal, like i said, it's late-- we move back across the street, to blake's apartment building, then move up the building, to the broken glass window blake was thrown out of. we move into the window-- --i told you, this month's issue still hasn't arrived yet! why do you care about that right wing rag so much? cuz those bastards don't give a damn about you, pal! they--hold up, here it comes. they turn as seymour, a fat slob of a man, arrives with a bundle of the latest issue of "the new frontiersman." cut to: dr. manhattan stepping through and into the empty, floating suit. his tie knots itself. dr. manhattan looks around the empty room . sad? again, he looks at the photo of him and janey slater . . then