walter kovacs. is that your name? walter? let me explain your situation here, walter. if you cooperate with me, i may be able to convince them that you should to be treated medically, in a hospital, which i believe is best for you. but the authorities want to put you in general population. yes, but the difference is, downstairs? they'll eat you alive. he holds up a rorschach blot-card. now . . tell me what you see. flash of: a dead dog. bloody, horrible. how about this one? what do you see here? flash of: rorschach, as a little boy, watching his mother, half naked, embrace a man as he hands her some money. when she catches rorschach interrupting, she smacks him in the face. shuts the door on him. tell me about rorschach. will you do that? because i want to make you well. i can't help him.