laurie? is that you? i'd figure you'd be used to traveling that way by now. margarita? it's eddie blake's funeral today, isn't it? laurie nods. funeral: blake's coffin is removed from the hearse. laurie, you're still young. you don't understand how things change as time goes by. funeral: blake's coffin is carried past adrian, dan and dr. manhattan. that leaves just two of the old team left. me and hollis mason. she stops at blake in the photo, regarding him. eddie was the comedian. he always thought he'd get the last laugh. as the priest speaks, we move down the row of mourners, stopping at dr. manhattan looking thoughtfully into blake's not long enough in my book, eddie. she eyes laurie with cool death. put that out. get in the car. inside the limo: laurie cracks her window an inch. her mother's harsh, low tone drifts clearly back. are there no depths you won't sink to? i know what you are, eddie. i've always known. don't ever forget that. driving off, laurie watches blake through the window-- i always knew laurie had it in her. sorry for waking you, hollis. you wanted to hear it, so i'm telling you, okay?. magic! dreams! that's what i had before. i was a hero goddammit! it was a mistake--one time! am i never-- and then they notice laurie looking at them. oh. oh, laurie you sure you don't want a drink? it, it was years later, he stopped by out of the blue, and, and apologized. i don't know, i just couldn't stay mad. it just happened-- laurie kisses her mother's teary cheek. what the hell is that? hello, dan. excuse me, i should clean up. sally wipes her runny make-up, goes to the bathroom. dan and laurie embrace, kiss.