you're so fuckin' beautiful, you know that? i'll be out in a second, louis! what the fuck's goin' on in here? yeah--just keep that wide load of yours outta trouble, arright? what're you doing?!? you gotta behave yourself here! well now you're gonna do nothing someplace else! now listen--one of these days i'm gonna run this whole block, and i see any you in here again--any you-- i'll bust your fuckin' hole! throw `em out on their ass. i gotta go upstairs, drop off my keys with the old man. mr. buzhayev, how are you! listen, mr. buzhayev--i gotta go do something right now. but don't worry--everything's in good shape downstairs. you remember what i tol' you? nobody knows about my father and my brother--not even jumbo. and it's gotta stay that way, you understand? nah. nah, i'm managing now. yeah. i'll see you `round, arright? i changed my name--i use my mother's name now. it's better for business. c'mon. that's them there. in the corner. lookit `em--two peas in a pod. father's friends--they were all in korea together. biggest bunch of fuckin' stiffs. look, don't talk to nobody, we'll get out quicker. n--i just wanna get out quick, that's all. yeah i did so. congratulations. pop. everybody, this is my girlfriend. rosario. this's my brother. and my father. i know. i like it this way. that why you got me up here? tell me my hair's too long? whatsamatter? that's a good hook for you. you ever talk? you cut me off financially, and now you need the favor? `s interesting. `s good lookin' boy! i don't know nothing about that. the old man?! what, you been watching us?!? what the fuck is this? you kidding me? inform for you?!? that's what you wanted me here for? yeah well, find another way. i got a lot invested in that club and i can't let it get fucked up. fuckin' broadsided me. everything's about the goddamned job with you. c'mon. get off your fuckin' high horse and bust somebody else's balls. you're welcome. 's that supposed to mean?!? congratulations. you got me up here. good. then now you know. yeah. i like the dark meat. why, you want some? i gotta go, pop. i'll see you `round. c'mon, let's get outta here, go party with jumbo. we're goin'. c'mon. you're just like her, baby. that's cool. it's all right--they don't like nobody outside their own little world. my brother and my father ain't like that. it's just--the whole thing ain't for me, that's all. you know how gorgeous you are? what is it? it's beautiful. you're so good to me. only if you behave yourself. uh oh-- party's really gonna get started now! any spanish fly in there for you? i'm goin' up to see buzhayev tonight. i think he's gonna ask me to buy into the club. i'll show you a fuckin' faggot! everybody, i gotta be at el caribe in an hour, so get ready! no no, i'm all right. hi everybody. everything's really rockin' tonight. line's halfway `round the block. you wanted to talk to me? 's a good move. i appreciate that. you know, i been thinking `bout it--i'd like to become a partner here too--buy in with you. well, i just think we could do more. maybe expand into sheepshead bay. i know a good spot--we add a restaurant there, get the spill- over. like what your brother did, in miami. i can understand that. but i got money to invest--we could make it something real special over there. do what i did downstairs--you know, bring in name djs on different nights? yeah, sure. i'll come. nah nah, no thank you. listen--i get this done, i want you to be a host. in one of our spots. well, just make sure you get your old co-workers from the health department to give us a pass on the kitchen. where's rosario? goddamnit. with that fuckin' animal again. look at him. i'll tell you, this is my place, we'll kick his fuckin' ass right outta here-- yeah, you know a lot. you sure it wasn't your dick? shit. i'll be right back. things're goin' good. he don't look like a middleweight no more. your uncle's a great man. smart man. your uncle loses his license, he ain't gonna be too happy. yeah. i'll think about that. rosario--i wanna talk to you. you gotta stop dealing. you hear what i'm telling you? you hear what i said? just hold off then, for a little while. okay? i got my reasons. gimme your shit! thanks a lot. i appreciate it. okay, i'll go thank him too then. he comes in, raids the fuckin' place--now i gotta go beg `em not to fire me-- fuck you, pop. fuck the both of you's. you fuckin' touch me!? you gonna fuckin' touch me?!? mr. buzhayev. i'm real sorry about what happened the other night. you don't mind my saying, i think that's probably the right thing to do. mr. buzhayev, my getting arrested ain't gonna be a problem. i don't got a record-- yeah. all right. you had to hit that spot. i had plans down there. you got real balls saying that to me. i made something for myself, and you come in and fuck it up? just `cause i'm not trying to be like you? and pop-- what did you call her? you piece of shit. fine with me, you motherfucker! that ain't nothing. we'll see you and bump you two c's. siegfried and roy, baby! two fucking queens! who is it? hello? is--is he gonna be all right? my brother was shot. they're operating on him now. game's over, everybody. that's right. i gotta go. what're you doing? no--it's gonna be a fuckin' scene. i'll call you later. don't argue. louis, lock up and take her home. yeah, no--i just remembered i gotta do something, that's all-- pop? pop, he all right? i need to see him. you guys blaming me for this? is that it? that's bullshit--she's clean. you fuckin' keep away from her. yeah. that's me. look--i'm his brother, you fuckin' hard-on! feels like it was my fault. hercules, do me a favor--before you kill a waitress, go pay the check. don't tell louis nothing about what happened. far as he knows, my family moved away, long time ago. i didn't have nothing on me. your uncle's got some problems now, though. baby--why don't you go keep jumbo company, make sure he leaves a tip. it's a little dangerous right now, don't you think? muscle--? a cop got hit today. they ain't never gonna sit still for that. i'll see you around. i need to find deputy chief grusinsky. pop, i gotta talk to you. it's important--i got information. it's about you. it's bad. yeah. pop, nezhinski's been talkin' about a shipment he's got comin'. maybe that's how you get to him. they been wanting me to buy in for a while. what do you mean, set something up? pop? you could trust her. but. but you could get killed-- your mother's real important to you, ain't she. you'd do anything for her. go back to sleep. you been up to see my brother? how's that been goin'? well i. i been thinking. if you could keep it confidential? they trust me--we could go in large, use my money for the buy, they won't suspect anything-- i know. so please--can we do this? hey. it's bobby green. fifty k, to start. sounds good. okay. i'll see you tomorrow. most expensive phone call i ever made. you need to promise me something, though. you won't investigate my girlfriend--she's, she don't know any better. i'll take care of it. you gonna leave me all alone out there? you come up with that one all by yourself? i--i need to talk to you. i--i'm gonna inform. for the police. i had to do it, rosario. these motherfuckers--they were gonna come after my father. he ain't ever gonna find out. he ain't ever gonna know. i don't know. i'd, i'd probably have to go into protection. but that's never gonna happen! rosario, listen--i had to do it. i had to do it. everything's gonna be all right. don't worry, it'll be all right. yeah. sorry, buddy--i got some legal shit to deal with, from the raid. but i ain't forgot about you--i'll be back soon. no, it's okay--i'll talk to him later. where's vadim. you know me. that's all the money i got. and i ain't gonna leave it alone. from my savings. from el caribe and rasputin. sounds good. i took a little taste. i'm clean. you wanna search me again, you go `head. i just wanna make this deal and go home. i'm gonna get pussy from this. this deal goes down, i'm, i'm gonna get a lotta pussy. i'm with you! i'm with you! i'll be all right, pop. i need you to get my girlfriend, pop. i need her to come with me. yeah. they let me come--long as i brought these guys with me. good. it's rehabbing good, for only nine weeks. anyway, it ain't nothing compared to my brother, so. just hold on, `til he gets here. i'm not sure yet. we been thinking about moving down to miami. guy i used to work for, his brother's got a place down there. a lotta kids here, lotta family. it's nice, ain't it? you know how happy i am you're with me? i'm real glad you're home. what're you talking about? they got a lot of food over there--why don't you go eat something? we gotta straighten this out later. that don't mean nothing. there's a whole network full of suppliers. the organization goes deep. i'll be outside if you need me. well, why's he goin' back to work so soon, anyway? he ain't ready. no, come on! i don't want that! take me back to the motel. rosario? rosario! where the fuck is she?!? the cops're right outside--let's go. i said, let's go! lou--no more of this for her. it's too fuckin' dangerous now. yeah--we'll talk later, buddy--i'll call you. but right now i need to get her outta here. you gotta put everything in jeopardy? huh? you know, i don't think you realize how serious this is? i know. but i'm workin' on it, i am. soon as the trial's over and i get my money back outta impound-- everything'll get better, you'll see. rosario--once this's done, we'll go down to miami. be a new thing for us--a lotta opportunities. c'mon. let's go back--this'll all be over soon. i promise. thank you. you know mr. buzhayev, i come to see you today `cause. with everything that's gone on, i don't think it's a good idea for me to stay in new york anymore. i was hoping maybe you could ask your brother if i could work with him, down in miami. on his restaurant. i'd appreciate it. you always been very important to me too. i should probably go now. yeah, maybe. why don't we give `em all these bags to throw out--it's becoming a mess. what's goin' on? what--? jesus. what about-- you see something out there? pop? joe come close this morning? yeah, maybe. but you know the way he is. i know, pop. it's really coming down. hey--vitt--i think somethin's on our right! get down! rosario! you hurt? pop, lay back! don't fuckin' look at him! i said don't--back up! don't look at him. does my brother know yet? then you gotta take me to him. joseph? i don't know if i can do that. i i wanna stay close to you from now on, joe. i wanna stay with you. you gonna fuckin' catch these guys? you ain't got nothing, do you. you gotta find that spot. course. no. i did it to hurt him. i disappointed him. i can't live like this no more, mike. they destroyed my family. i, i could join you. my pop tol' me you pull guys outta the academy, guys with special knowledge, make `em cops? you could do that. i know. joe, i'm gonna join you. i just decided. this is where i belong. i wanna talk to you about something. i'm thinking of. maybe joining the force. i mean, i help find nezhinski, we don't gotta live like this the rest of our lives--moving every three fuckin' days. what're you talking about? i just got through telling you-- (struggling to stay hold on a second--i know what i'm talking about'd be a change. but we could make a life here. this'd be something we could build on. we could raise a family, and. pretty soon you'd fit in. they'll accept you if we're gave it up? gave up what? gave up what, rosario?!? what fuckin' life did you have? you're a fuckin' cokehead--look at you! well, maybe i was a piece of shit too! wasting my goddamned time! wake up! all that was nothing! my brother's gonna be all right-- and nothing's gonna happen to me. hey--where you goin'-- what the fuck you doin'? all right. why don't you just calm down and think about it a little. you think about it, you'll feel different. you'll understand. and in time, we'll look back on all this and you'll see i was right. look--i love you. thank you, sir. i'm gonna try and do my part too, now. "i, robert green, hereby pledge and "--that i will support and defend the constitution, both of the united states government and the state of new york, to the best of my ability" ". i will faithfully discharge my duties in the rank of rider in the new york city police department. so help me god." thanks. i'll call her back. could you guys go outside for a minute? i wanna talk to my brother. you're trying to do everything-- it's gonna kill you. we could handle it. i mean, i come on to help you-- i know. but you don't gotta do everything yourself. that's what i'm trying to tell you. joe, what's wrong? come on, you can tell me. nah, you didn't do nothing. it's meant to be. you can't fuckin' control it. tell her i'm on my way back now. don't worry. that's all in the past. i'll see you later. what happened--where'd she go?!? we gotta go find her! go `head! keep me in here--keep me here! you gonna keep me here? huh?!? it's me, lou. i'm okay. listen uh, you ain't spoke to rosario lately, have you? yeah--it's just, she must've gone out for a little bit and. i wanted to get in touch with her. thanks. you know, things are really changing on my end. i ain't gonna be in protection anymore. i, i don't know. no. jumbo, i don't want nothing right now--don't worry about it. okay, eli. tell him i'll come up. rosario--rosario's gone down to florida for a little while. yeah. you know, i was just thinking `bout when i first met her here. working back there. louis--? how'd you know where i was staying? how'd you know where i was staying? it wasn't in no papers, louis. don't make me embarrass you. let's go outside, right now. where's nezhinski? don't play games with me, louis. i just said, do not play games with me! you don't mean nothing to me now-- that part of my life is dead. today it ended for good. you know my father is dead because of you? you know i'm on the force now? and i could do anything to you? you tell me what you know right now or i swear to christ i will make you disappear. you tell me, right now-- well, he said tomorrow and that's what matters. they got one year of experience, repeated 25 times. pop would never bring `em in, joe. we gotta see this through ourselves. all right, c'mon. enough. we're gonna get all of `em today. lookit the two of them. they're so fuckin' close. you're surrounded by the police! come out now, with your hands on your heads! joe?! arright, just stay down! vadim is in here with us. radio our guys, tell `em to get into the clearing. are all our guys out? burn it. i'm not gonna let him get away. get down! on the ground! put him in the fuckin' van. don't touch him. hey everybody. all right. we'll talk about that after. they're getting started--we should probably go in now. i don't think he'd believe it. but i guess things don't always go the way you think they will. you definitely gonna leave? ain't no way you change your mind? listen, we'll spend some more time together from now on. okay? i'll come over next week. chaplain? i'd like you to introduce me this way. if you don't mind. love you too, joe. 204: a favor? oh, he needs a favor! we'd be wishing the italians'd come back. indeed i did, my friend! see, i woulda been here sooner, `cept i hadda go across town, lose all the cops-- i mean, i got a lot of ideas. already! he's got so many ideas! what do you think? bob! you gotta watch your mouth! i mean, he don't scare me, but uh, but trust me, i know. anyway, cops found his head in the middle of brighton avenue the next day--fuckin' dick was in his mouth. you sure it wasn't your mouth? want me to double your money? huh? i was working, maybe i would've been able to do something, but. anyway, i'm sorry. my nephew, he don't come back to the club anymore. things get back to normal, i'm hoping we could get started on what we talked about. we had to go--i'm sorry. c'mon. don't come around me no more--i don't wanna have to look at your fuckin' face ever again. do me a favor, don't get involved. we'll pick this up tomorrow. i'm gonna go home. it don't look good right now. it's got nothing to do with you. we fold, right? your brother's been shot. he's at st. john's--they're workin' on him now. i just thought you should know. i probably should've told you not to come down here--there're a lotta things going on right now. he does what he gotta do, i do what i gotta do. he don't own me. so don't worry--we'll get `em all. cut off the head, the body'll fall, right? you keep on doin' it `til they get the message. we got all their names. on a list. you piss in your pants, you only stay warm for so long. they said on the television your brother was doing better. there was nothing you could do. you all right? i'd make the connection for you. he don't gotta know anything about it. does he? it's just--i realized. . my father dies `cause of all this, i couldn't live my life knowing i coulda done something. i know the same is true for you. i know it is. i decided--i wanna buy in. moral of the story is, don't die. you understand? i'm gonna help `em set up nezhinski. well, i got fifty grand in here. and it don't move `less i deal with the man himself. so you're interested, i wanna see your stash, right now. no bullshit. with the crack on the street, it's worth two hundred k. maybe more. you nervous? what you say? kill this motherfucker, right now! but now you're burnt--and we gotta get you someplace safe, keep you under wraps for awhile. don't matter, i wasn't no fred astaire before. you fucked up? what was said in there, he--he didn't mean it. and i think maybe. considering the alternatives. maybe you might wanna think about joining the department. what i did, i did for you guys, this once. i got my own plans. sure, bobkes. i mean, she come here. we gotta ride this out, `til this fuckin' thing is over. `til i can get things back on track. i'll talk to mr. buzhayev about working for his brother down there. we'll get your mother to come too-- i'll even talk to jumbo about it. anyway, it's all changed now. huh--? they had to sedate him. i wanna go see him. i saw him die. that's right. they don't know where yet, but. we got a feeling-- nezhinski's out, he's gonna be there. after the funeral. there's a deal going down, i. i wanna help. no. i can't do nothing else now. okay? it'd be a big change for us. they know what i was--what i was why don't you go get some rest? well, i didn't ask you to do that. i don't need your help--i could deal with it on my own. a deal this big, something's gonna come up. you'll see--someone'll fold. calm the fuck down! i'll be there--what more could ask for! c'mon! you comin'? huh? you gonna be a man or not? well, she probably just needed a little time for herself. she'll be back. it was, it was in the papers. rosario tol' you where we were staying, didn't she?!? she trusted you. where's your fuckin' spot?!? can't move an inch without us up his ass. and wherever it is, we'll be ready for `em. just think about what i'm saying to you. men like him are the great future of our force.