here, take another one! get another!
you want your face out there--it's good exposure. the pc's gonna see this. c'mon. with both kids.
you see your brother yet?
he better.
we gotta talk to you. alone.
your hair's long.
all right, go downstairs. lemme talk to him.
i knew you wouldn't help us. i told your brother, i said, `no point even bringing him down here.'
hold on a second--lemme ask you a question. that girl of yours downstairs--she puerto rican?
she hooking you up?
yeah, keep laughing--your mother, rest in peace, i think she was too easy on you.
thank you. you know, i used to tell my kids, "work first, play later," and my son joseph really took it to heart. he's been a real fighter over the years.  he overcome his mother's passing, and the dyslexia--eventually wound up graduating john jay as salutatorian and distinguished himself many times. anyway, you've shown yourself to be very brave and selfless, and i'm just, i'm very proud here tonight.
where you going? i was the one who got you outta there!
you're a real big shot, aren't you! you see what happened in there last night? hey--i'm talking to you!
you know, you and your girlfriend're only getting off `cause of your brother. up to me, you'd sit in there another couple days.
fire you?! from what? probably the best thing that ever happened to you!
don't ever speak to me like that again. you hear me? i'll rap you right in the mouth!
you gotta keep your hands up! keep your hands up!
which kid is it?
no. go on, i'll be right out.
what're you lookin' at?!?
what do you want? you stayed out of it--you got what you wanted. why don't you go somewhere and pick a fight--you're good at that!
nah, i don't want that crap.
hello, your honor. commissioner. thank you for coming.
we'll get `em, your honor. i'm gonna come back in and run it myself--we'll get `em.
i'm working.
no. they'll be back on the street in a day. we gotta try and catch `em with their hands full--find out where they got the real weight. then we can move.
doesn't matter. it's our only play.
what're you talkin' about?! c'mon, don't be a first-class schmuck!
then we make the time! look, i want you all to understand something--we don't ever play in the dirt here, okay? not ever, no matter what!
bunch of college boys from kansas. we protect our own here.
forget it, both of you.
that's too dangerous for him! we don't know how solid his cover is out there! that girlfriend of yours, she knows about you, right? so can we just get back to the discussion please?
good. i'm glad. but it's not happening. so forget it.
don't worry about me, just worry about yourself, arright? anything happens with your brother i'll call you. goodbye.
where's my goddamned kid?!?
you guys go on a bust like this and you don't tell me about it? you think i'm born yesterday?
you're a real comedian! he's gonna need to be in protection now!
well, i guess i don't have a say in anything anymore. anyway.  you did it. you did it and it took real balls.
i'll get them to take care of that. just go get yourself fixed up-- that's the most important thing.
joseph--we got some things we need to discuss, when you get the chance.
bobby--you should hear this too, for the trial.
we're gonna try and turn him, get him to tell us how they're bringing it in. but don't worry--we'll make sure he does plenty of time.
well, you marry an ape, you don't complain about the stench of bananas.
what's that, bobby?
i asked him to come in, joe. if he's gonna have to testify, he should know all this.
no--it's better this way. i don't want him sitting around with nothing to do, feeling useless--
hey, c'mere. a lotta people been talking. about how good you did.
i could pull some strings, get you through the academy with an early
wait--don't go yet--
can't you put some clothes on him?
hello? what's the matter? huh?
jesus! listen to me--you and jack get someplace safe. let esu take care of it--i'm gonna go get your brother.
nezhinski's out.
your brother was taking him to the a.d.a. and they got ambushed. they hit three of our guys.
your brother's fine. we gotta get you moved--you've been here too long.
you need to pack up.
nah, we're good. it's just, i just realized--i know this neighborhood. i used to come with my father, to work on the plumbing, for the houses--brought me along to do the talking. he only spoke russian his whole life.
i don't know.  i heard he did good, though. you know, with everything that's happened--who knows? maybe all this'll bring us closer together someday.
once this is over, you and your brother, you'll talk, you'll work things out.
bobby--your brother, i think he probably feels a little guilty, with everything you did, with you in protection now.  but he appreciates what you've done--i know he does.
look, i'm just trying to keep us together here, that's all. that's all i want.
okay.  we'll move `em to corona. i'll lead the line.