pop, they got enough! what're you doin'?!? he ain't gonna come. how you doing. feels like nothin'. nah, it feels good! i love trying to, you know, help make the city safer for people and everything. bobby, hey! you, you got off work and everything-- bobby, i asked pop to bring you here. well. i'm gonna be heading up a new narcotics team, starting this week. a russian unit, outta psa 2 in brighton. yeah, they need me over there. there's only eleven guys in the whole department that even know the language right now, so. bobby, we need you to do us a favor. we're looking at this guy vadim nezhinski. served time in the soviet union for black market activity, come over around 1979. he's dealing h, cocaine, angel dust. operates out of that club you manage. the el caribe. no, we know that. we checked up and down the rest of management, too--his uncle, the owner-- everybody come up clean. it's just nezhinski we're lookin' at. we need to track how he's bringin' in the product and. we were just hopin' you'd keep your eyes and ears open a little. no, we would never ask you to do that. just observe, that's all. it's a closed community and you're our only way in right now-- nothing's gonna get fucked up, bobby. all it takes is one thing, you know that! one guy to flip, we crack the whole thing! whole city's falling apart, bobby-- don't you got any sense of responsibility at all? thanks for coming. just be careful out there next coupla weeks. thank you everybody for coming-- happy thanksgiving. before i say anything else. we got some bad news this morning. one of our irish brothers was killed in the line of duty last night--detective edward conlon was gunned down serving a warrant on northern boulevard. the clock's about to strike ten, so i thought we might give a moment of silence to remember. good. i just wanna make sure we take it easy in there. we don't want no panic. it's his day off. he ain't gonna be there. everybody! get your hands on your head and don't fuckin' move! turn off that music. right now! give everybody a toss. g.q.-- too much pizza, right there. turn around. turn around! what is this? okay. it's doubled now, how's that. you got a cross and a jewish star on you? what's the star for? okay, let's go. you. and you-- you're under arrest, possession and sale of narcotics-- your boy's gonna turn. and then we'll come back for you. he stabbed himself, he was a bundle guy. mighta known how they're movin' it. see, that's the key-- we waited `til it was your day off. nezhinski was seen there, bobby! what am i supposed to do--announce it in advance, compromise the whole thing? yeah, well, i tried. what do you want from me, anyway? you know, you're standing there feeling sorry for yourself, but you wouldn't be in this shit if you didn't fuck around in the first place. bobby, you're the one acting like you're above it all all the time! fuckin' around with your little puerto rican all day-- you heard me. have some fucking class for once. go around like you're a big shot. you're a joke! grow up already! fuckin' loser. you come at me like that? hello? hello? only when i look at you! hey, bobby. we could do it now if you want, pop. in the den. he ain't gonna be reliable, pop. where is he? i wanna go with you on that. see his fuckin' face. that's `cause we got their number one. dried it up at the source. bobby--you done a lot for us already. you don't gotta get involved in this anymore. okay? this's police business, pop--you gonna make him an honorary member of the force now? i'll go in the lead car. you stay with him `til we get to the a.d.a.'s. he makes a deal today, maybe my brother don't gotta take the stand. least that's something. stop the fuckin' car! i'll catch `em, bobby. don't worry. they're gonna need us to identify the body. i'll be ready to come back and head it up. i'll be ready and, and we'll get `em. bobby. i'm real glad you're with me now. you know, i was. i was jealous of you, long time. i always did what pop wanted. and you were free. it's all right. i'll be all right. what about nezhinski's uncle? that clubowner--marat buzhayev? it's comin' up quick, we don't know anything. we're gonna lose it. i know that. and my family takes the hit--my family. we don't got much time. we lose nezhinski, we're both dead. streets'll get flooded, the whole city's gonna be on fire-- it's not that. it's just. you give up what you wanted to do to be here, bobby. and part of me feels a little responsible. you know, i remember when pop was mad at you, he always used to say you didn't believe in our family. and mom, she'd protect you. she'd give you those little caramels. anyway, i knew he was wrong too, but i didn't say nothing. yeah, definitely. we'll get the tac plan together. yeah? the deal's closing--let's go! you know, i think pop would be real happy to see you like this. ah, the force'll treat you good. i'm sure you do very well. it's the right thing. it's over for me--i'm out. arright, yeah. sounds good. i love you, bobby.