okay, bobkes! looks like you got everything under control here--so uh, so i'm gonna go outside, take my break! yes, your fuckin' majesty! yeah--let's all play spin my pickle! shut your mouth! you wouldn't recognize `em--they were, they were all undercover. anyway, i got a little of what everybody asked for here. i got uppers, downers, hash, mescaline, some blow- yeah, you need that, not me! and what's with the suit anyway? you look like a monkey in the circus! yeah? well, you know what you should do, you should turn it into a fag joint and then maybe they'll let ya in! my brother! how'd it go? ho, well! i'm guessing it went pretty good then! that's my specialty. i'm whaddaya call, a people person! yeah, no problem--half of `em got rats as pets anyway. she's a player, bob. you know how it goes. i do, i'm serious! last year, one of his guys was gonna flip? jesus christ, what i saw. nezhinski dragged him into the toilet. they stood him up against the wall and held him-- they fuckin' pulled down his pants, and i swear to god, nezhinski just cut it off. worst thing i ever seen in my life, bob. yeah, that's funny. jesus, that cop's crazy! i got a bruise too, you know--right here! so bob, i think we fold. we will? bobkes, i love you! i was the one told him to keep goin'! bobkes--? what's wrong? sure, bob. everything cool? take it easy, take it easy! calm down and everything'll be, uh, non compos mentis! where'd you run off to, like a jew? you got outta there, it became like a real zoo. the spics-- `scuse me--the p.r.s, they're goin' nuts for the money--picka picka picka picka--and the girls, they're screamin', and i'm keepin' everybody in line. i'm fuckin' bustin' heads, like bruce lee--i'm fuckin' bustin' heads-- oh, `scuse me, sorry about that. arright. but i'll tell you bobkes, nobody else could ever do for you what i did. bobkes! my brother! i been calling you all week! where you been?!? we missed you!!! yeah well, without you around i hadda lower myself here by hangin' out with freddie! bobkes!!! you know bob, everyone's been askin' `bout you. we was all real surprised to hear about your family- -i mean, your father's like j. edgar hoover-- hey!!!! bobkes!!! how you doin'?! no. she's holed up with you, ain't she?--god knows where. well, i talk to her, i'll tell her you called. oh bob! that's great! whaddaya say we knock back a few in your dad's memory tonight? come on! el caribe's got their masquerade party--every third drink's free. be like old times! my brother! the grand return! you ain't heard from rosario yet? you want hazel here to fix you up with a little something? i'm only kiddin'--let's have a drink-- hey natasha, over there! and you're already acting like a pain in my ass! i can hold my liquor and yours! bob, you all right? florida? ah, don't worry, bob. i have no doubt she'll be back. i mean, between you and me, that place they had you in was drivin' her crazy. the kew motor inn--we used to call that the screw motor inn, with all the hookers. get that waitress wouldja? huh? i don't know-- but i don't kn-- bob, we're, we're buddies--we're like brothers! c'mon! bobby i swear--i don't know nothing! no, wait! bob, please! don't do this to me. don't do this to me bob, please. bobby, i. i told `em where you were--but, but it ain't what you think! i was makin' a buy and these guys in hoods, they held a gun to my head--so i tried to give `em the wrong information! no, wait, listen! it's true! rosario tol' me you moved every couple days, she said you was gonna move--i thought you'd be gone by then! it's the truth, bobby! i would never try and hurt you! never, swear to god!