in a house of god, no less? c'mon, get up. hello, bobby. nice suit you got on. bobby, it's important. these ain't dumb guys we're talking about. we don't stop `em up front, coupla years from now, it'll be chaos out there. the spot's got one main entrance, two rear fire exits. all of `em'll be covered. what if he is? we still go? what's it gonna be? you got anything in there? coupla dimes on `em--cocaine, a little pcp. i don't know, joe--forgive me, but uh, your brother. ever since your mother got sick-- bobby, it's michael solo--i got some bad news. listen, your father's coming--i gotta go. but he's at st. john's. the shot went in his cheek and come out through the jaw. it missed his brain, thank god. he was real lucky--considering. bobby--that ain't a good idea. listen, i ain't judging you--i called you `cause i thought you had a right to know. but we're gonna be going hard after nezhinski--and maybe some other people you're close to. like that girl you know-- jesus christ, you gotta be kidding me! nezhinski got a hit list? on us?!? we gotta go bust `em, burt--right now. that could take us forever! what about callin' in the feds? they got a lot more juice than we how you know about that, bobby? well, maybe that's it, then. if we can get him-- to set something up, maybe one of our uncles could move in-- you'd go set up a buy with `em, just like they've been asking you to. we follow you to the spot, bust `em a week later. that way, your name's clean, nobody knows you're involved-- yeah. your father's still with him- -we were just gonna go back to the psa. try and figure out a tac plan on nezhinski. we don't got much yet, but we'll do our best. it's too dangerous--you heard your father. if anything went wrong, he'd never forgive us. we'll get it back for you. now listen: from now on, you'll get all your information through this, at an undisclosed location. your contact with us is over after you leave here. just be smart about things. okay? you get burnt and we gotta put you in protection, it's still better than winding up dead. an informant dies, they talk about you for a day. a week later, ain't no one remembers your name. she won't be a target. just make sure she don't open her mouth. you know we known you your whole life, kid? good luck. hands on your heads! on the floor! i guess we do. nezhinski's cache was huge, about 40 keys--yayo, some angel dust too. i'll tell you, though--streets're dead. junkies're waitin' out there for something big, no question. we gotta get you to a secure location, bobby-- he's taking it very hard. you and your brother don't gotta worry about any of that. just take the time you need-- you're a civilian, bobby. ain't no way. bobby, come on--you got your own life to live-- then you gotta understand--this ain't something you do just for a vendetta. you gotta go back to the academy when you're done, you gotta commit yourself. gimme a couple days--i'll talk to the p.c. but we got our guys out there, working the street all over? i mean, they coupeing or they working? well, you tell narcotics queens we got an a-1 sale hanging over our head and either they help us or we fuckin' take it out on `em later! joe--this is still new territory for all of us. i mean, we hadda use your brother here to get any results to begin with. they're movin' serious weight, we might be talkin' major league firepower. maybe we call in the feds. each one of `em's got 25 years on the job with this kinda thing, pudge. arright, guys. that's it for now. okay--when they complete the sale, that's when we move. esu'll grab the kids. this's too dangerous. we'll all wind up killing each other-- bobby? what're you doin'-- i just saw the commissioner. a lotta people're gonna wanna talk to you--important people. about maybe settin' you up with your own unit.