fensterwald. carswell fensterwald. it sounds familiar but. they sure come out of the woodwork when you get famous, clair. put him through. that's the way i planned it. carswell, thanks but -- swamped. i've raised my rate. i might even cut my sessions to forty minutes. what sort of case is it, carswell? carswell, if this is a dysfunctional -- okay. i'll work him in for an interview. say, carswell, how come you're quitting the business? carswell fensterwald? that's one kind of persistence. carswell fensterwald? my wife, fay. my son, sigmund. my daughter, anna. my sister, lily. thank you. whichever you prefer. have a seat. talk about moving. talk about weird. that depends. you do go out, you know. you came here. what are you afraid of? that's exceptionally rare. why are you doing this? are you married? want to talk about it? um. there's a saying, bob, that the best psychiatrist in the world is right inside of you. i can help you, provided you're willing to help yourself. there's a ground breaking book that just came out, bob. not everything in it applies to you but when you see the title, i think you'll see that it can help. it means setting small, reasonable goals for yourself. one day at a time, one tiny step at a time -- do- able, accomplishable goals. when you leave this office, don't think about everything you have to do to get out of the building, just deal with getting out of the room. when you reach the hall, just deal with the hall. and so forth. baby steps. of course. exactly. but don't expect everything all at once. even a baby occasionally falls and hits his head. this will give you plenty to digest while i'm on vacation. certainly my secretary told you. as of this afternoon, i'm on vacation with my family until labor day. dr. harmon, my associate will be happy to talk. we have years ahead of us, bob. a month will seem like a baby second. dr. harmon is quite skilled. i'll be with you the whole month. try your baby steps. that's perfect. keep going. bob. bob. i'll be back. july 31, bob wiley, introductory interview. multi-phobic personality characterized by an extreme need for family connections. bill $150 for the session and $29.95 for the book. bob. hurry hurry hurry. hurry hurry hurry. hurry hurry hurry. honey there isn't time. you're only encouraging them, fay. hurry hurry hurry. hurry hurry hurry. okay, how does this sound? tomorrow: we'll go shopping and clean up the house. wednesday we'll re-arrange the furniture and spruce up the lawn. thursday. i'm having some art brought up from the city. the cottage should look spectacular. after the interview we'll take a celebration sail around lake, then friday -- my birthday -- we'll have wonderful meal at digby's. siggy, are you going to spend all summer driving us crazy with that? anna you're masking hostility. anna. examine your behavior. yes? you know better than this, bessie. dr. harmon is covering for me. put him through. bob, i thought i made it clear to you that i'm on vacation. bob, if this is an emergency, go to the emergency room. if not, call dr. harmon and i'm sure he can help you. bob. in my office, after labor day. good night, bob. lily? what's wrong? bob, listen to me. the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust. when you call me against my wishes or pretend to be my sister, i can't trust you any more. call dr. harmon, or go to the emergency room, but don't call me here again. that'd better not be who i think it is. hello. what?. that's okay. thanks for calling, bessie. that was my service. that patient -- the one who called earlier -- committed suicide. oh well. let's not let it ruin our vacation. hugo said to expect eleven. are you sure we have enough? by the way, did you call ted fein? i thought he was cute. she's just testing us, fay. but don't get psycho-sexual with me young lady. they're both testing us, fay. don't buy into it. i didn't hear anything. oh my god. i don't believe it. stands dumfounded. he watches bob walking towards them. he tries to stay calm. everybody get in the car. get in the car. what are you doing here? i thought you were, dead. i think you know, bob, that your behavior is entirely inappropriate. we talked about trust. we talked about my needs. i want you to get on a bus and go back to new york. i don't get angry. i don't get upset. i don't see patients on vacation, bob. ever. how many ways can i make that clear? bob, i'm driving away now and i don't want you to bother me again. you came for my advice, correct? then take my advice and go back to new york. you got yourself here. getting back will therapeutic. you're testing my patience, bob. get up. come on, get up. bob, it's two o'clock. go to the bus station, buy a ticket home, then wait in that restaurant. i'll call you. in two hours. but you must buy your ticket and give your word that you'll go home. this is all about trust again, bob. we must have trust. i'll call you at four. bob. i'm fine. nobody. take off your robe. everything you wear is black. i wish you'd get off this death fixation. what do you mean by that? come on, get on the board and let's see your approach. come on, siggy. 1, 2, 3 spring. like we learned last time. 1, 2, 3, spring. cut it out, siggy. left foot. why didn't you dive? no. it's not like i'm making him jump out of an airplane. when i was growing up, i thought diving was fun. you're masking hostility, anna marvin. turn that down. what the? what are you doing here? we agreed that i would call you. your coming here is unbelievably inappropriate. bob, i think you and i have some things to talk about. would you excuse us, dear? anna. forget it. i understand. of course i do. your problems don't go away just because i go on vacation. they've been with you a long time after all. on the other hand, you're making strides. you got here. bob, take a look around you. what does everything you see have in common? vacation, bob. everything you see is part of a vacation. every year, for one month, i bring my family to this house on vacation. nice, isn't it? do you know what the point of a vacation is? do you understand the meaning of the word? you forget about your troubles. you give up your worries. you drink from the wellspring of relaxation that enriches your soul. now i can't, at this time, give you the kind of therapeutic attention that you need to solve all your problems. know why? excellent. but what i can do -- and only i can do this because you trust me don't you bob? exactly. what i can do is this. get on your bus and go back to new york. every time a problem comes up, follow this prescription. it's not pills. read it. i'm giving you permission to take a vacation, bob. not a vacation from your work. not a vacation from your daily life. but a vacation from. every time you feel a problem coming on, take that out and follow it to the letter. doctors orders. i'm glad you came. i'll see you in my office next month. you came here for relief, bob. read your prescription. it feels right because you're here and because you're leaving. if you have any questions, call dr. harmon. you too. oh. right. siggy, this is bob. he's just leaving. you too, bob. it's too close to the wall. i care, and you should too. our house is going on national television tomorrow. you want your friends to think you live in a dump? you know, there's nothing wrong with neatness. people joke but it's actually a sign of a creative intelligence. right, fay? what is that supposed to mean? seriously, what do you mean by that? i'll get it. it's probably the van with my art. but. you're back. you're not?! no. nobody. no! i did. i said exactly that. and i don't want you letting him in this house. i don't have a problem. nobody, fay. nothing to get excited about. a work related problem just went away. it's fine. flap jacks! where are you off to? with teddy fein? it's a quarter mile to the marina. why do you need the car? stay out of the sun! remember what's happening to the ozone layer. i am not going to let go until you're ready, okay? trust me and put your hands out like i showed you. siggy, it was an accident! anna! i want to see anna alone. i thought i told you to stay away from bob wiley. home. leave it. it's been a while since i've had a walk with my daughter. fay, i'm a failure. our daughter, our only daughter, has fallen for a brilliant manipulator twice her age. anna and bob! for god's sake, i'm even a failure in my own book! can you believe it? in chapter 2, i wrote that a healthy adolescent girl can never have a sublimated father complex and my daughter has one. then you're saying the book's wrong? fay, my god! i'm going on national television tomorrow -- to promote a fraud! i'm doomed! i'll be a laughing stock! okay. i'm being ridiculous. you're right. it's a brilliant book. our daughter's fine. i'm great. fay, do you remember a carswell fensterwald? the name is so familiar but -- what? i'll put a stop to this! enough. let go of him! that's enough! stop diving this instant! what are you staring at? i had every right to buy this house! listen, everybody, i'm not wrong often, but when i am, i admit it. i'm sorry. i mean it. how can i make it up? but he did. i'm not saying i was right, but bob can do a lot of things no one thought he could do. look, i said i was wrong now i'd like to forget it. i'd like you all to accept my apology. what about bob?! i will not apologize to bob. because i won't. because he's a patient, fay! don't you get it? dinner?! i don't want bob for dinner, fay. i don't want bob for dinner, fay. i want to think about my interview. it's superstitious nonsense. would you please stop that? and don't call me leo. that was in my office. in my home you will call me dr. marvin. i said, get him off me! look, tomorrow morning is very important and i'd like to call it a night. i don't want to be rude but i think it's time for bob to sing his way home. did i say that? i'll drive him. what? the rain's bound to let up. bob can go then. he can borrow my slicker. shsh. quiet. it's letting up. stay over? honey, maria shriver's coming in the morning. maria shriver! you want some guy sleeping on our couch when maria shriver gets here? fay! of course you are -- ! have you seen my new toothbrush? well it should be but it's not! fay, it's not the interview -- i mean i am nervous about it -- but that's not what's bugging me. it's. him. no, siggy. yes, bob! who else? why shouldn't he hear me? don't you get it, he's a sick person. a multiphobic mess! he faked suicide. followed me up here from new york, wormed his way into my house. for all i know, he's a mass murderer! you don't know that! everything he's done violates the patient-doctor relationship. now he's in there with our son! what is going on in here?! i asked you a question! i don't want to hear another peep out of this room. i'm trying to get some sleep around here! tomorrow is the most important day of my career! cbs is coming here. maria shriver is coming here. millions will be watching. and buying! i want you out by six thirty. understand. maria shriver comes at seven, i want you out by six thirty. what? i don't need valium. i need peace and quiet! six o'clock, rise and shine! rise and shine. six o'clock. rise and shine, rise and shine. bob. bob! bob! leave. go. now! siggy! bob! hello. sure. i thought by the fireplace. thank you. oh, sorry. this is my wife, er, fay. my daughter anna, and my son. sigmund. bob's a patient. he was just -- now wait just a minute! ms. shriver, -- nothing. no. well -- i'm. ruined! my career. everything i've worked for, over! get out. get out!! go away now! what about bob?! what am i doing? what am i doing?! wednesday. afternoon. i'm going sailing! i mean it's summer time right, what could their audience be, five million? most of them hardly pay attention anyway, right? the point is, the book got on. it couldn't hurt sales, that much could it? i mean. it's a disaster, fay! oh no. coming about! go away! go away, do you hear me!! no problem. intensive psychotherapy. isn't that what you came here for? you're ready. leo marvin to see dr. tomsky. therapy land, bob. a twentieth century theme park of the mind. the lines look short today. bob wiley, this is your new pal, dr. tomsky. i really appreciate your helping me out on this, kenneth. i'm not worried in the least, kenneth. i'm sure your entire staff will corroborate. with intensive treatment he should be out in about -- fifty years. "okay, anna mae, leo marvin's okay leo marvin, he's okay!" can't a man enjoy himself on vacation? bob sends his regrets but he had to take a trip. i was. why does a man climb a mountain, anna? because it's there. that's why he left, you see. he just wasn't himself. he'll write. anna, what do you take me for? everything's fine. out. kenneth, you have been duped by a textbook narcissist. a brilliant neuropath! embarrassment?! that's easy for you to say! he's human crazy glue! if it were that simple do you think i'd be here? whose side are you on?! i'm relaxed! i'm on vacation!! get out! get out of my car, get out of my life, don't ever come back! no! you won't catch me!! no! no! shit! first he ruins my life, now he ruins my tire! god! damn! son of a bitching! bob! shit piss crap! son of a bitching douche bag asshole! what about bob?! think about bob! what about bob? what about bob? what about bob!! i'm home! nothing. just a little car trouble, hon. i'm fine. i want you dead! dead, you hear me, dead! i doubt it. phil, do you remember a classmate named fensterwald? i've forgotten and i don't know why. did anything unusual happen with him? do i act like a man who's joking?! what? thanks, phil. enjoy the party. baby steps, make a plan. i want to buy a gun. er. an animal. this tall. hundred and seventy pounds. bermuda shorts. what do you have that leaves a messy wound? the eighteenth? i can't wait two weeks! i need these now! what about explosives? any waiting period there? "bob fell in to a burning ring of fire. he went down down down and the flames went higher. and it burned burned burned, that ring of fire. the ring of fire." "dear mr. and mrs. g., if i'm not here, i'm at the marvins. would you feed gil? thanks. bob. p.s. your denture adhesives arrived so i put them in your mailbox. enjoy. bob. " get up and don't make a sound! i said shut up! into the woods. yeah, bob, it's death therapy. it's a guaranteed cure. if it is, i'll dedicate it to you, how's that? exactly. now yell and scream and suffer! say hello to freud for me. love hurts. music to die by, bob! i guess it was suicide, fay. he tried it once, remember. just goes to show, you never can tell. ahh! no! noooo! why won't you go away! i disgraced myself on national television! no one will buy my book! my family's going to hate me! i'm finished! stay away from my sister! what?! don't talk that way to me! do you hear me?! i'll kill you! phone. phone. bob's. unavailable right now. can. i take a message? tucson canceling order. any message why? not priority. right now. why? sure. though, you know there is another way to look at it. well. if you gave a new toothbrush and taught dental hygiene to every student at your school. in the long run you'd save them thousands of dollars. i mean look at the cost of dental bills. i bet i could have put my kids through college with what i've spent on fillings. it is, isn't it? maybe you should try the toothbrushes. you might do a lot for education by saving teeth. great. fay. fay!