through a stand of trees over a high wooden fence, a young couple is in the midst of a heated argument next door. claire watches as the husband, a large imposing man with an unruly shock of red hair, snarls at his wife across the hood of their huge old buick. she tries to get a glimpse of the woman, but all that's visible is the back of her blond head. mrs. feur drops her face into her hands. caitlin glancing back at claire with an apprehensive smile. it's alice's computer solitaire. she flips the last card and an animated queen of hearts, accompanied by a series of musical notes, parades across the screen. the game has been finished. cards with faces swarm chaotically across the screen with the message: you win! several posters for alternative and metal bands, side by side with academic plaques and awards. claire through the windshield. her face striped by the reflection of the bridge lights which whip one-by-one across the windshield. she flips open the cell phone and punches in 911. it blinks: "no service."