morning, beauty. let's go. or we'll never leave on time. come on, i'll make you some waffles, maybe we'll squeeze in a trip to the mall. caitlin. it is unwise to heckle the keeper of the plastic. i think three. what's their name? she's awake. i don't want to be either. norman spencer. don't. it's saturday. yep. three o'clock. and i still think we should get you some mittens. do you have a scarf? yes? i know that. of course you will. sweetheart, i've known this day was coming for a long time. i've got your father and the garden and the new house. you really don't have to worry. really. come home anytime. i almost made it. genetic repair mechanisms in eukaryotic organisms. excellent. couple of swedish sailor cells just gang divided a virginal cheerleader cell. if you have to work. fine. i am, really. not the focus. to tell you the truth. i'm excited. to get my life back. to have some time for myself. some time for us. we did. i know. nope. yup. shhh. what is he doing to her? mmm. tomorrow. after that. night. hello. mrs. feur? wait a minute. i just want-- it's mrs. it's claire. spencer. from next door. is everything-- um. yes. is everything alright? hello? who? your husband? what? what are you afraid of? tell me. please. tell me. i can help you. that's not. it's not like that. i know. and i'm sorry. i've been consumed with. my daughter left. for school. i'm sorry. it's for the flowers. why don't you. wait! don't go. she sounded terrified. of him i think. more or less. i'm telling you. there was something in her voice. not like this. we were never like this. i want to go over there. after dinner, we can-- to make sure she's all right. that's not what i'm sug-- but what if something happens? i'd never be able to live with mysel-- i know. i just wish you could have heard her. promise? i'll make you some coffee. norman! norman, you have to look at this! hurry. look! nothing. there was. i thought i saw something. hey there. good. i'm good. why does everyone find that so surprising? okay, i'm a little tender. and so far my day has consisted of taking pictures of my roses for the garden club. what is it? jody-- you're discussing me with your psychic? thanks, but i'm fine. oh my god. you bought it. it's niiice. absolutely. you got it. hello? please tell me you heard that. cooper. what do you see? hi. oh. no, no. it's fine. huh? absolutely. take your time. hello? i'm looking for caitlin spencer. she's in 314. well, could you check? oh. well, just tell her that her mother called. her mother. thank you. excuse me, how can you study with that? oh. kay. jesus. cooper! hello?! there were some noises. i didn't want to disturb you. in the house. i was scared. no. can you drive me home? i'll bring you back in the morning. it was there. this angry music all by itself. and i heard whispering. i don't know. just. whispering. tell him! oh great, "can you look in on my wife, she's hearing voices?" wait'll that gets around. i do, i do. i'm sure i'm just. how was your day? really? you are so brilliant. madame curie, jonas salk, norman spencer. you're kidding. wow. well, that's nice. oh, no. that's. i'm so sorry. that's just mean. oh. jody wanted to know if i could get her some. what? no. no. norman, you are so funny about that. no, i didn't. i didn't. did you call about the feurs? huh. oh no. mrs. feur? hello? are you there? um. right. well, i wanted to stop by to welcome you to the uh, to the neighborhood. i'm claire spencer. from next door. well maybe your wife. when. when will she be back? oh-kay. she's not there. i haven't seen her since that morning. well, i mean, i've never actually seen her, but i'm telling you, she's disappeared. i don't know. when you say it, it sounds crazy. but what else could it all be? i mean, he's so kind of grim and daunting, and she sounded terrified of something. listen to me. i sound like some middle- aged nancy drew. what? jody, no. no. no. no. please. that's all i need. someone's there. in the window. norman's at work. there. in the study. don't you see-- wow. i'm losing it. oh boy. get down! he'll see. shhhh. he killed her. he did. she's in the picture. i went over to look and she's gone. the table was set for one. no, no, no, no. the soil on the shovel, his shovel. that's clay. it's not from here, believe me, i. all right, look at this. no. look! in the window. a flare? it's her! i'm telling you. she whispered and turned on the music. she's trying to contact me! then why isn't it in any of the other pictures? where is she then? okay. okay. i'll bet there's. look at this. see? i didn't do that. maybe. point is. not me. she was lonely, i talked to her. norman, i know how it looks, but-- dressed? when? oh. tonight? fashionably five minutes late. don't get all. okay, okay, i'm sure that i just. what are you doing? five minutes? you're not at the center. we're going to be fine. well, that's a relief. hi stan. sorry we're late. it was my fault. where's the new squeeze? elena? wow. we know each other. he looked like one of the monkees. i didn't sleep with him. he was so pissed. we were suite mates. oh god. stop. do we have to? she's making this up. i met a dashing young grad student after a recital one night. and three months later i was married. caitlin? gee, that's tricky. sure could use some help. come on. i don't need a shrink. norman. i never said i wasn't upset. of course i'm upset. i miss her terribly. but i know what i saw and what i heard. and it wasn't some "symptom" of something. and i don't think i'm some lonely, middle-aged woman cracking up. no! and i don't need a psychiatrist! mine. his. we both. thought. i didn't want to come. because he was worried about me. yes. i'm sure he's hoping you'll pack me full of prozac so he can live out his life in peace. no. because, i don't know, because sometimes. sometimes i forget things. and ever since caitlin left, ever since my daughter left for school, there've been. i fainted and. why is this so hard? you're joking. these are good. there's a ghost in my house. she finished my solitaire game and turned on the radio. she likes rock and roll. angry rock and roll. i saw her in the water. beside me. she was filling the bathtub. pretty. she's a blond. um. i'd rather not say. just yet. what do you think i should do? what? you think that'll help? are you humoring me? how? is this time okay? are we hoping the ghost is going to have to pee? the planchette? i don't know. nothing's happening. are you doing that? i'm not doing that. oh. it's initials. f is feur. it's her. what happened to you? jody, wait. jody! what do you want?! he killed her. i'm not crazy. he killed her and-- yes. and he's going to get away with it. we had a seance. jody and i. and she was there, norman, she was. it scared jody so bad she had to leave. jody brought a ouija board and we summoned her. what? what are you? no. sabotage? the accident? norman, this isn't about you. this is something that's happening to me. it's not to get even. and it's not some warped bid for attention. some strange things are happening in our house, whether you believe in them or not. no! not sweetheart, no. i believe in what's happening. i don't want to, but i do. i guess i was foolish enough to think that would be enough for you. don't tell me how to react! i will not. maybe you're right. maybe i'm losing my mind. but what if i'm not? what if she died in terror and betrayal and some part of her can't move on while that's unresolved. can't you just. wow. you! you think you're smart, don't you? you think you got away clean. well, i know you killed her. you drowned her in the bathtub and got rid of her somewhere and i'm gonna find her, you murdering sonofabitch. give me that shit. your wife. then where is she? and his face. it seemed so gentle, and i knew. in that second i knew that i'd imagined the whole thing. what's happening to me? yes, but. isn't there something called group hysteria? maybe. i don't know. i just know that when all this was happening, i felt, some part of me felt. alive. like somebody needed me. and the more i reached out to, it, the fuller it became. i don't know, i'm very confused right now. she said, "you know." that i know. no. i felt. pain. that she'd been hurt by someone. this is great. i'm trying to intuit the emotions of a figment of my-- me? no. well, in the accident i was injured, but. last year. i drove my car up a tree. nothing serious, this. . a minor concussion. but the car looked bad. it could have been bad. i think it scared the hell out of norman. listen, don't hold back. well, he's been amazing throughout this whole thing. patient and caring. i mean, sure, he can be obsessed with his work, and. it's a very important time right now with all that. but, sometimes. i mean with everybody, right? sometimes it's like. that he doesn't. see me, or, you know, that i'm. that's something's wrong. with me. no, it doesn't. okay, look, i see what you're doing here, and that's, i'm sorry, but that's not it. my marriage is fine. i've had some kind of "empty-nest" episode where i saw some things that weren't there. let's deal with that. i'm willing to deal with that. i just don't want to go conjuring problems where none exist. you do? and then you weren't there. would you like some iced tea? thank you. i. there's something i have to ask you. that day. at the fence. you seemed terrified. i don't think i was imagining that. of what? what were you so afraid of? not this week. what? um. sure. no. no, i don't. i would like that. no, it's fine. i'm fine. yep. and you glad you married me? are you glad? i'm glad. good. you sat in front. i saw you there. i felt you. looking through me. you told me that i was. yes. who was playing? caitlin's band? thank you. that was very good. why? no, he wouldn't. that's not true. he loves you very much. he just-- listen to me. the one thing in life that i definitely don't regret. is the choice. i made to be your mother. i miss you. it got so bad your father almost had to put me away. i started seeing things. did you? what? then we both are. i am. white wine please. jody. i think so it's alright. jody, she's alive. mrs. feur. she's alive. i met her. she's really sweet. nothing. it wasn't anything. i've been on edge lately. maybe since the accident. and i'd prefer, i really would, to just-- did i? hartford? no. jody, listen to me. you have to listen to me. this is not something that i can do right now. whatever it was, it's gone. i need it to be gone now. please. i've got to find a bathroom. i'll call you. just fine. it's a lovely party. almost. i'm sorry? uh-huh. what can be? no. i'm just not sure what you mean. at the party. ohhh yes. no, no. just a little, you know. we're fine. who's that? right. what was it about? when she said it, there was something familiar. but no. in the living room. but why? i can't understand how i could just completely-- but i don't remember. what's wrong with me? yes. yes. that's what i want. and she was never found? thank you, mr. mccann. remember this? did you know her? not personally. it's her. this is the woman who i've seen. yes. the ghost. i thought it was mrs. feur, but it's not. i'm positive this time. it's madison fra-- it's her. i don't want to make you angry. but she's here. and i don't know why. mrs. frank? i'd like to talk to you about madison. no, i don't. she's my friend. was. we were. acquainted. i've been away for awhile. when i came back. claire. it's fine. i'm not. we. we met at a party. she never mentioned her father. i don't know. you must have been very proud. i should be going anyway. of course. what was her major? i need to know the truth. madison, please. help me. what am i doing? hello, dr. spencer. forbidden fruit. got a problem with that. wouldn't go that far. what's the matter? since when? why don't you shut up and fuck me, professor. i think she's starting to suspect something. your wife. "you know" i was there. i came to work in the garden and i saw you with her. in my house. i snuck back to my car, trying to convince myself it never happened. and when i woke up in the hospital. somehow it hadn't. until now. so you fucked a student?! don't touch me. just get away from me. go! i said get out! fine. what did you think i would do? jesus christ! i gave up my life and my music. oh bullshit. you had to topple perfect daddy and that meant perfect wife, perfect family. who? leave her out of this! stop. i'm not going to listen to this. you should have tried harder. get out of my way. you made it impossible for me to be someone you could be in love with. i want you to answer one question. did you have anything to do with her disappearance? how did she know where it was? our dream house. she did it. of course she did, norman. what else could it be? i don't know. and everything i have, everything i thought my life was. christ when i think of all the lies. what? jody what? oh god. you knew. adamant? why? relieved? too late? jody, it was an accident. all of us. no. how could i expect you to tell me something that i wouldn't even tell myself? i don't know. she could have hurt me if she wanted to. no. she wanted me to know the truth. now that i do. i think she's at peace. norman? oh god. no, no. please no. norman!! wake up! please! oh god. norman! it's me. it's me. jody, she tried to kill him. i can't believe this is happening. that could take days. i need to do something now. don't you see? she wants us dead. like what? what is it? sorry. better or worse, he's mine. it's alright. she's gone. she can't be here without me. i don't know, but i am. she was there and then she was gone. i felt it. it's over. the leaves. look for antiques. adamant. little village down seven. supposed to be charming. do you know it? maybe we can stop there for lunch. but he acted like he'd never heard of it. jody he was lying. i guess not. i don't know. nothing. you don't have to do that. fine. i'll do the shopping. i don't really know. looking for this? she's out there isn't she? she's in the lake. don't i, norman? you kept the fucking necklace. of a woman you killed! i don't believe you. i don't know what's true anymore. but that girl must be brought up. now do you want to call the police? or should i? mmmuh. mauduh. madison! come on. come on. shit. norman. no. norman, please. think of caitlin. rest in peace.