how you holding up? you are? cause. your. only daughter just went away to school. who you were incredibly close with aaand i'd be tripping. well good. so you're human. wow. got here just in time. i brought you this. kambucha mushroom tea. it soothes heart-ache and promotes psychic wellness. sela suggested i bring-- she's not a psychic. just a very enlightened spirit. so you'll have some later. notice anything. different? yep. beautiful thing, alimony. lose a husband, get a car. think it'll help me pick up dudes? listen, i've gotta run. i just thought i'd stop by and see if you want to take the boat out, say thursday morning? see you then. what do you mean she's gone? what are you saying? you think he killed her? know what i think? seance. telling you. just bought this beautiful antique ouija. hey, look. so pretty. what? i don't. no, you're not. but a presence in your house is not something to be taken lightly. sit down here. isn't this where you saw her? then this is where she'll be. place your fingers on the planchette. this. we wish to commune with the spirit of mrs. feur. what's her first name? i call forth the entity that is haunting this house. mrs. feur? shhh. reveal yourself to us. who. who are you? mef? what's mef? shit. did you see that? oh god. i have to go. claire, this is. this is. are you okay? i'm sorry for leaving, but i mean, jesus, claire. i mess around with this stuff, but i never thought anything would happen. does norman know? what? then what was it? something was there. you saw it. yes. now i talked to sela and there's a guy, this pakistani guy down in hartford. and he's the real thing. specializes in cases like this, like yours. but claire-- okay. okay. i was down in adamant. artsy little village down seven. there's a guy there who sells my work. i had just dropped off some paintings and as i got in my car. i saw norman sitting at this little cafe. i started to walk over. but he wasn't alone. a blond. i only caught a glimpse. she was young. i should have said something right away. but i didn't. partly because i didn't want to hurt you. but partly. partly because i was relieved. i had just been left by richard. i was bitter and miserable and for some fucked up reason, it made me feel better that your life wasn't as perfect as it seemed. by the time i finally got up the nerve to tell you, stan called from the hospital and it was too late. alone? on a two lane road? with a ton of valium in your system? i got there first. stan covered up the pills and i had it out with norman. he seemed desperate not to lose you. he promised to handle it. and we all let it drop away. i'm a terrible friend. what are you going to do? if she was dangerous before-- you don't know that. if it's your belief that gives her form, then you've got to shut her out. somehow you have to break the connection. i know. we need help. please let me call the medium. alight, alright. stay calm. you opened this door. there's got to be a way that you can close it. i have an idea. but, i mean, i'm just making this up. did he say that? what if he was? do you think he wanted to bring that up again just when you're trying to make a new start? he's trying to put it behind him, claire. you should too. you've got a beautiful life. and even with this, it's always been clear that he loves you. i've come to think that's all that really matters. trust me, claire. you hear something. change the subject. you find something. get rid of it, throw it in the lake. you know what happened. the rest is only details. and no one's ever glad they got a hold of those. if you want to put this back together. just let it go.