who are you? you're the flower lady. i've seen you. from the window. i'm not. he's so. it's too much. and i can't. i can't breath. and i'm afraid. oh god, i'm so afraid of. i can't, no, no, i can't. that i'll just. that one day i'll just. disappear. how? how can you help me? with your flowers and your perfect life. i've never even met you. this fence. it's so. oh god. he's back. i'm sorry. please forget that i. i don't know what i'm saying. please. i wanted to apologize. for scaring you like i did. when i thought about what that must have seemed like that day. right. i'm sorry. very much. your house is so beautiful. and these roses. they're much prettier up close. no. you're going to think i'm crazy or something. love. have you ever felt so completely consumed by a feeling for someone that you couldn't breathe? that the time together is so passionate and consuming that you felt physical pain when they would leave? i couldn't catch my breath. that's not a metaphor, that's. and i panicked. i never dreamed anyone would hear me back there. i tried to leave him. went to my mother's in boston. he brought my things up and pleaded with me to come home. you must think i'm pathetic. i'm sorry that i frightened you like that. but i was so touched by your concern. i've been lonely here. perhaps we could be friends.