they at it again? christ, that's twice in. when did they move in? three weeks. feur, i think. psych department. figures. they're all psychotic. we'll be quiet. quick and quiet. when's she out of here? alright. i can't take the rejection. i'm going to class. claire, i have to show up for the-- i knew that. you think i didn't know that? it's today? we're going to have to leave by three if we want to beat the traffic. claire? really gonna leave me, huh? be good. whatcha reading? how is it? nice. almost done. no, no. i'm just about. there. how are you? it's okay if you're not. it's just she's been the focus for a while. you know what i mean. you are. you did a great job. she's a good kid. it's just us now. tired? wanna fool around? did you. jesus. i guess they're making up. and we moved out here for the quiet. maybe we should just. i'm finished at three. no. squash with stan. i'll be there. love you. of what? did she say that? honey, they're young. they're probably newlyweds. remember how we were? why? claire, honey, we are not going to march next door and accuse our new neighbor of-- when tonight they'll probably be keeping us awake. claire. nothing's going to happen. besides, i have to work tonight. the conference is in less than two weeks. i've got to stay focused on that for just a little longer. this is. it's what i've been working for. look, i'll call harvey tomes in the psych department, see what i can find out. mmnph. what is it? what's the matter? is it gone? come on, let's go back to bed. i'm stuck here for another couple of hours. unless you need me to come home. you sure? claire? and then what. courtney? dosage? excellent. properties? andrew from downtown. nothing but net. prudence here's an old friend. i try to stay on her good side because i owe her my career and most of our grant money. why else? always do unto others as you'd have others do unto your ewe. that'll do it. write this up for tuesday! what are you doing here? what do you mean? some noises where? did you call the police? of course. what kind of whispering? what'd you see, coop? i'm gonna have the police check on the house. i've got the conference next week. i want you to feel safe. think i may have cracked it. i think so. maybe. yep. you know what that does to me. ohmigod. you'll never believe. i saw schumway. he's here giving some arcane spiel for the physics department, so bob shine introduces us. and he says. you'll fucking love this, he says, "doctor spencer, i am a great admirer of your work" ". especially spencer's theorem" ". of perpetual distances." everybody's checking their shoelaces. pins drop. "i'm afraid you've mistaken me," i say. ". for my father." didn't know he was dead, every stinking paper on the globe. did you tell her? you didn't? cause that would be really-- sorry. you understand. oh, right. yes. harvey says the guy's a sweetheart. wouldn't hurt a fly. do the brilliant norman stuff some more. and speak up. what are you doing? what's going on, claire? why am i. why am i whispering in my own house? what? and that means he murdered his wife? this is getting ridic-- our house. it's a flare. from the sun. it's a reflection on the glass. it's a ghost. you took this in the morning, didn't you? when the sun would be exactly right. a cloud passed. or it's a bounce off the lake. see? she could be out. she could be sick in bed for all we know. what am i looking at? who did? mrs. feur? right. and why is she here? if he killed her, why doesn't she haunt him? claire, listen to me. i know you're under some strain. but there's no such thing as ghosts. they don't exist. our neighbor did not kill his wife, and i. wait, why aren't you dressed? dinner. with stan and his new girl. what do you mean? claire, we talked about it. you didn't want japanese, i said, our first date since. since caitlin. you don't remember this? yes, tonight. we're going to be-- when you do this, i swear. like it never even happened. restaurant. let them know we're running late. i know i'm not at the center of the bridge. there we go. hope so. i made an honest woman out of her. harvey says he's amazing. what can it hurt to talk to someone? please. you promised. claire, she's been a huge part of your life for seventeen years. if you weren't thrown off balance by this, then something would be wrong. i never said. are you lonely? what are you doing out here? this is the feur thing? how do you know this? who did? how did you-- are you angry at me? maybe you resent how busy i've been. you know what i've got at stake with this paper. you know that. i can't help but think that you're doing this now to hurt me, or to sabotage me somehow. ever since the accident i've been worried that you'd been unhappy, or. but then you've been so much better. sweetheart-- you're overreacting. keep your voice down. claire, please. claire, please. i'm sorry. i'm pulling up, yuri. i'll see you for dinner. sure you won't stay? really big bed. do i have everything? call ya later. what? you know i am. you were lost in the music. eyes closed. your chest heaving. we walked all night. that you were everything i'd ever dreamed of. you remember my wife, claire. uh-huh. you don't remember? you dropped a glass. a cheap wine glass from the caterers. you started crying. i tried to comfort you. you shoved me away and ran out to the patio. i took you home. it was maybe a week after the accident. we were moving. it was a hard time. sweetheart, it was over a year ago. nothing. nothing at all. it's been a hard year. but you're better now. and things are really looking up for us. so let's try to enjoy that. please? is this that girl from last year? i may have seen her on campus. no. i'm afraid to ask what this is about. the. stop. please stop. stop it! claire, i've tried to be there. i know you're going through something that i can't understand. but it's enough. do you want to go see someone? together? should we call dr. drayton? well then what? claire, what? tell me what i can do. hello. anybody home?! mrs. spencer. i take it your not mad at me. okay. what's gotten into you? ow! it's too rough. i don't like this, this. who? stop it! what the hell are you doing?! what? claire-- oh god. it was last year. we were having troubles. that's not what i'm sayi-- claire, please don't. i never asked you to quit! that's not true! you wanted to quit! and then when you did, you hated me for it. so you gave it all to her. to caitlin!! and then out of nowhere, some bright young woman found me attractive. would do anything just to be around me. and i slipped. god help me, i slipped. i tried to break it off! claire. please don't go! yes. she was damaged and unstable. the more i tried to distance myself, the more desperate she became. finally, she showed up at the new house. she was out of control. she said she was going to kill herself. or you. i never thought she'd go through with any of it, but then she was gone. we don't know that for sure. oh god, what have i done? how could i have let this into our lives? thanks. that won't be necessary. not unless there's a miracle drug for clumsiness. are you okay? we have to get out of here. can't you see, she's trying to kill us. what? how can you be sure? claire. i know it's going to take awhile before things are back. until they're better than before. but you've given us a chance to make a fresh start. and i'm going to spend the rest of my life making you glad that you did. last sail of the year. incredible. we should take a drive before they're gone. spend the night at some cozy little bed and breakfast. yep. there's some great places nearby. what? huh. don't think so. whatever you'd like. what's that for? i'm cooking you dinner. i know. okay. don't. you don't understand what this is. i did not! i did not kill anyone. jesus. claire, listen to me. i walked in and she was lying there dead. i swear to you. on my life! she took pills and she killed herself in our house to destroy me! to destroy us! if i hadn't stopped by here before school, the painters would have-- it's true. that's. you have to believe me! oh god, i'm telling you the truth! i did what i had to, claire. she was gone. there was nothing i could do for her. i did. i put her in the lake. i rolled the car in. and i watched it sink. and i've lived with that image ever since. i couldn't just stand there while everything-- my career, us, everything, just washed away. don't you see, claire? she's doing this! this is exactly what she wants you to think! fine. i can't live with it anymore. this is dr. norman spencer. no, it's not an emergency. i have some information about a missing girl, madison frank. yes. could you send an officer? fifteen willoughby, about a mile before the bridge. thank you. you did the right thing. i'm going to get cleaned up. god, how did we come to this? the ghost stuff, that was impressive. i figure you saw her that day in the house and just gradually intuited the whole damn thing. that would be pretty astonishing. a passive-aggressive masterpiece. wasn't until the shower that i realized you actually believed it. nearly froze to death waiting for you. thought the circuit breaker would kick back over and i'd be toast. the crazy thing is. i have never for one moment stopped loving you. don't worry about caitlin. i'm sure in some tragic way this'll bring us closer together. hey, it's norman. listen, we had a huge blowout, so i'm going down to sleep at the lab. i guess you're out, but. maybe. if you wouldn't mind stopping by to check on her in the morning? it's just. jody, it's bad. i've never seen her like this. i don't really know what to do anymore. if anything ever happened to her, i'd. anyway, thanks. i'm so sorry. shhhh. what? that's a little much, don't you think? oops. can't have that.