wha -- ? all right! all right! whaddya say, pardner. i'm dry as a bone. you got any money? you neither, huh? my name is morgan, but it ain't j.p. guess i better go to work. take 'er easy now, pardner. well! i can't say much for your protocol, but your timing's dead on. here's to you, pardner. aaahh. show me an honest man. oh, yeah? i was just with that guy, not more'n an hour ago. looked bad. crazy curt, huh? hell, i can't remember. prob'bly see him again though. tell you what. you leave the money with me, i'll see he gets it. as a favor to you. whatsa matter? you don't trust me? i'll have you know i used to be a college professor. we can work together. "long life to the grape! for when summer is flown, the age of our nectar shall gladden our own." that's shelley, you know. hail fellow well met, and all that jazz. it's our lucky day! a friend of your's got money for you. we got to get back to the park and meet him. c'mon. he'll be comin' for you, crazy curt. s'got some money. we'll get us a little joy juice. c'mon! hey!! you really are crazy! c'mon! "blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow, you cataracts and hurricanoes, spout till you have drench'd our steeples and drown'd the cocks!"