are the parents here yet? christ! what a homecoming! blood? jesus. who is he? how about the babysitter? yes, sir, for the past three and a half years. oh, yes. i know they haven't assigned anyone to it specifically. it's an old case. yes. maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this week, but i'll find him. i don't think so. because he's a foreigner. he'll come back to the city. after six years in confinement, it's the only place that's familiar to him. that's important. i couldn't agree with you more. thank you. how is mrs. mandrakis? i'm sorry. please give her my best. you gave him electric shock? it says here thirty-eight. thirty- eight times. what will happen to him now, without the drugs he was on? during the time that you had him here, did you discover any particular habits of his, peculiarities, quirks, anything that might help me find him? any letters from people back in england? family? let's get something straight here, doctor. i've been 33 years in the business of tracking people down and putting them away. i spent almost a year on curt duncan alone, with the trial, the testimonies, the background investigations. i didn't come here today to look in your goddamn folders. in fact, i wouldn't have come here at all if you'd done your job right. assuming he isn't found right away. what will happen to him? what kind of clothes was he wearing. when he escaped? did he have any money with him? what's guy du mar-- duncan had it? what is it? are you being serious? duncan was catholic? that makes three of us. yeah, in a minute. stand still. i want you to remember this in the morning. charlie, come on. no. i got a job today, tracking someone. it's curt duncan. you didn't know he got out? i need your cooperation on this one. jesus, i don't recognize anybody. three and a half. hi. depends on how lucky i get. i'll only be coming around once, maybe twice a week. is it vacant? my name's john clifford. i'm a private investigator. a private detective. i'd just like to talk, ask a few questions. listen, lady, i can be back in thirty minutes with a search warrant and a handful of cops, and i can probably have you arrested, whether or not the charges would stick. now do you want to let me in and talk? i'll show you a badge when you open the goddamn door! i don't carry a badge. i'm issued a license, a piece of paper, and i left it at home. you're tracy fuller? can we sit down? do you recognize this man? he's escaped from the insane asylum. in 1972, he murdered two children. broke into a house and found them asleep in bed. it was a little boy, five an a half, and a little three- year-old girl. after the coroner's investigation, their bodies were taken to the mortuary, where the undertaker took one look at them and said he couldn't have their bodies reconstructed for the funeral without six days of steady work. then he asked what had been the murder weapon, because looking at the mess in front of him, he couldn't imagine what had been used. the coroner told him there had been no murder weapon. the killer had used only his hands. the undertaker went to work and had them done in four. what's the matter? do you think he'll try to see you again? let's play it safe. let's assume that he will. will you work with me? what are your hours tonight? i want you to be open if that's possible. this is tomorrow! now what are your hours? i've come to say goodbye, and thank you. i think so. from here on, i go it alone. no. i'm going to kill him, charlie. the closer i get to this guy, the more i. it gets to me. i don't know. no. not this time. this is the case that makes up for a whole career. if you can't understand it now, you will in a few years. for what i'm being paid, it's not out of line. he murdered two kids in cold blood. you were there, too. i understand that. jimmy needles. you'll never hear from me again. don't worry. i'm ready. i'm just trying to think where he could be in the meantime. i'm looking for an old buddy of mine, english fella. name's crazy curt. any of you guys seen him? i owe him some money. stands about so. brown hair. face kind of banged up. was in an accident. where? i have to talk to him. sure. keep the bottle. i'll be back. no luck. you see him? he still could be out there, though. are you all right? i'm going to hang around outside for awhile. i'll be back on and off again all night. are you sure you're okay? all right. bolt your door. don't let anybody in, no matter what. i'll be seeing you. listen. thanks. duncan. duncan. it's over now. come on out. my name's john clifford. i'm a private detective. i've been hired by alexander mandrakis to take you back. i'm not going to hurt you. i'm not going to hurt you. i'm not going to hurt you. there'll be no more pain. you're safe now. i know. i don't think he'll come back here. thanks. for all your help. i know it wasn't easy. maybe, someday, i'll be able to. i'll be around. you like ice cream? what flavor? okay. for how long? it's just as well. will you be here? here. call if you need me. hello? can you dial a local number for me? operator, what does that mean? why don't i get a recording? yeah, okay. thanks. your husband's okay.