eventually, anyone will respond to the treatment here. yeah, we zapped him a few times. it's fairly standard. there'll be some deterioration. that's inevitable, but we can't say how much. it's all in the folder. that, too, is in the folder. mr. clifford, this is a hospital, not a penitentiary. everything that pertains to one of our patients is meticulously recorded in that patient's folder. whether you can make sense of it or not. curt duncan is a classic paranoid- schizophrenic. they see themselves as victims, and they always blame other people for the way they are. when duncan killed the mandrakis kids, it wasn't an act of hostility against the children but against their parents. he was getting back at his own parents for traumas he suffered in early childhood. the criminal side of curt duncan is one of terrible, symbolic vengeance. i think you'll find him. somebody will find him. he can't function out there. he'll make a mistake. this is where he belongs. after six years in here, he's suddenly gone out to confront the world again. i think he's in for a bit of a shock. ordinary street clothes. not all of our patients have to wear the green gucci gowns. probably. but not more than, say, fifty dollars. some of the patients are given little jobs around the ward, for which they are paid. it's part of the rehabilitation. guy du marraux syndrom. it's a psycho-motor dysfunction. only from time to time, which is unusual. it attacks the nervous system. people suffering from it are irresistibly compelled to utter obscenities, sometimes one, sometimes a whole string of them. they can't control it. yeah. here, i'll give you an example. duncan never had the twitch that sometimes goes with it. and with duncan, as i said, the disease would only manifest itself in periods of extreme anxiety. when he was really flipping out, in other words. yeah. so am i. is that right? so we all share the same guilt. here. this is curt duncan shortly after he was admitted here in 1972. -- to put the situation right. the hypodermic needles are only used to give you medication that will calm you down. they make you feel good, relaxed. all right? we're not putting anything in your food either. the food is just food. that's duncan. curt, why are you fidgeting? can't you get comfortable? wait a -- hey! hold him down there. grab him! never mind the chair! pull him down. that's right. just lay him out. lay him right out. steady. pull out his knees.