hello? hello, jill? how's it going? i got it, dad! father! jesus christ! my father's in one of his moods again. male menopause, you know. so how are you? are you over at dr. mandrakis'? isn't it a neat house? did you see his kids? they're really cute. so what can i do for you? yeah, i talked to him. i don't know what you did to him, or said to him, or what. but he's really pissed off at you! what did you do? yeah, i can imagine. what. prabably. i'm going to the library in a few minutes. i just have to get out of this house! hey! why don't billy and i come over there? he'll come along if i tell him to. you'll be safe with billy. i'll be there. come on. who? me? you want to see billy, don't you?! you know what your problem is, jill, is you're so straight. i really mean that. you go to a private school, you wear a bra. no one can have a good time with you! you know, billy asked me to go out with him this weekend, and i was really really tempted because i like billy. a lot. as much as you do. but i told him i couldn't, that i didn't think it was right because you were my friend -- yeah. i guess so. okay. i've got to go now. yeah. bye.