i got a gun. how's about i aim it at your pussy first? now, now, my little brothers. parents? i ain't got no parents. i named myself. grab my parka from the back seat. and smile, playa. the dopes game and the game's dope. you got a beef with us, mrs. podunk? first you put yo hands on my ride! now, i don't know how you was raised but, in my world, laying your hands on someone else's shit is crossing their line! then, you go slipping an incendiary note up under my windscreen wipers. nah. we not in the mood. these rent-a-pig companies are too lame to give their foot soldiers any ammo. liability laws and all that. tough shit! fuck! she ain't going nowhere. we got her ford blocked in, right? i can just put one through her windshield, right? will you just die ?! you gone buck wild, nigga? we ain't going down for shit. easy my g. easy. the world is our bitch, right? get in my fallen soldier. shove over tomas. you know i front the ride. save yo talk and get out and push. what's aggravating you now? soon as we taken care o' mrs. podunk you and the spanish dancer can hit the next mall. but first you fakers best haul this rider out of the filth. trust me dog, hoe's going down execution style before we see the other side o' them bars. she ain't gone. won't be long before we find her now. this baby could spot a needle in a haystack! this boy loves weed so much he tried to marry juana. listen up skippy: she the only we gotta take care of her. when she gone. the problem gone. right? we'll head off then, huey, just like i said. get real huey! and shut the fuck up about the stupid ocean. i ever break a promise to you? i ever let you down? she ain't dead. look! her footprints are all around. della! della! what was that? peek a boo! you a window shopper little brother. you ain't never even done the old in and out before. back off five minutes, my ghetto brother. what's with the man size crast? you running with the family jewels? you rob a bank this morning, della? least yo learned something tonight della honey? you must be wondering how we come to know your name. you screwed up della myers. left your purse in the ford. what a shitty photo! guess you won't be needing it no more. so what's in the box? nah, it ain't about to rain diamonds, huey. but maybe she cashed in her life savings. planned to take off, start a new life. that right della? open it. open it! shut up. and don't be using the n word. you ain't representing. got it. that right huey? huey. get up huey. huey get up! my little brother. you tread on my boy's face. you della! what the fuck you doing? i asked you what your deal is, sand dancer? a what? your brain even smaller than 'em slits for eyes? keep on banging out that ghetto ass shit and you'll alert every cop in podunk county. you checked out, right? get a grip, skippy. huey's dead. and ain't no requiem gonna resurrect his ass. he down under the ground now with the real men of respect. well he dead. that's it for him. over. but we still here. hell, yeah. payback's gonna be a real bitch for a real bitch. you best hope not, genius. she gone, we gone. della! d-e-l-l-a, h-o-n-e-y. she was right here. must a saw your dumb ass tribute and everything. bulgari? she looks more like she rocks that number five shit. there more of her footprints. what you waiting on? jackie chan? zipperhead! you know we don't speak the chinky. i stole it. i get to use it. that's how it works. that right tomas? there you go, bro. april fool. naw, wait a minute, it ain't april. must be christmas fool. her footprints disappear at the big rock. head on up and search the slope. i'll guide your way with the flashlight. there she is, top of the gulch! what? sure you did, bro. curb the squealing. you a gangsta or a boy scout? tomas is one hard son of a bitch. he got her strung up from a tree by now and you know it. it's a big old tree trunk, you paranoid gook. it was a stupid ass accident killed huey. you know that. and tomas. i promise you this. this baby's gonna cancel her christmas. you in america now, dude, where the ghosts bleed. nah, yo got the yellow fever. she got to be hiding up on the slope? you head up first and i'll follow with the flashlight. never would've pegged you as a pussy, vinh. even when huey and tomas called it, i always defended your ass. she a skinny ass bitch, too. can't be weighing in at more than one twenty. i ain't speaking ill o' the dead. anyways, when you ever shot a gun? probably miss and shoot yourself in the foot. that's the spirit gangsta. holler if you see her and i'll shoot. vinh? vinh? della? delllaaa? there's only you and me, now. i saw a little trail of your blood back there. you must be hurt. i'm hurting too. i think you busted up my collarbone. i know you can hear me, della. after what went down tonight, we got a special bond. may as well come out now, della. i'll save one for you, for when you decide to come out. you're one tough bitch. and that's hot, hell yeah. and they're really cute. twins huh? terri and tammi. i bet you could use that cigarette now della honey? a woman's purse can tell her whole life story! now i know where they are living, i'm thinking i may stop by after and say hello. they wouldn't know a damn thing about what happened to mommy while she was out, would they, della? i figured that would help you find your voice! don't worry. i would never touch them. it's wrong to hurt kids! right, della? the game's over. you won! you took him from me. he was only seventeen years old. and all he ever wanted to do was see the ocean. and he never saw it. no, he never got to go. they're all gone now. you know the movie "clockwork orange"? well, they were my droogies, della. chances are they would of turned on me anyway, just like in the movie. none of them was real ass outlaw. no, not in the way you are. you're the real deal, lady. i was already thinking about cutting some of em loose, getting a new style posse together. how's about it, you and me? monday night mechanics. tuesday pilates. wednesday spanish. thursday, i wish. face it, della. you ain't no suburban housewife. so you bought into the big lie, even tried to live it. who could blame you? husband, kids, security, every woman's dream, but not yours, della. you know there ain't no such thing as security. but i'm betting you didn't really know who you were until tonight. i reckon i know what you've been dreaming about though, what you've been aching for, through all these lonely, wasted years. blasting out of podunk without never looking back. feeling the wind in your hair and the dirt of life between your fingers. doing all the things they told you you ain't supposed to do. taking what you want from life. and wasting anyone who stands in your way. right, della? don't say you ain't thought about it. if it's in your blood, it's in your blood for all time. you had yourself fooled, della. shit, lady, you took my whole crew out with nothing but a bunch of them tools. you can't go back to your old life. no way. it's all over for that. kaboom. hooking up with me's about the best chance you got. i bet you're on the outs with your old man. when we pick up your kids, we can waste him if you like. i can do it. or you can if you're ready. leave the tools. hell of a night, huh? shit happens. i wanted to look you in the eye before i kill you. huey? huey's . christ! you're even better than i thought.