shoot, kenneth! that's tammi's favorite doll. i'm going to the mall for wrapping paper. put the twins to bed by eight. give them a chocolate cookie with their milk. you better leave santa a note. it's only three days until christmas. the mall. one chocolate cookie each and then daddy will read you a bedtime story. tomorrow night i'll read you the best bedtime story in the whole world. i promise. i'll check in on you both when i get back. to make sure you're sleeping. thank you, tammi, it's wonderful. frick! i'll get right on that kenneth honey. after you stop drinking. hello? oh, hey. sure. how are you? how'd you get my cell number? and how'd that go? did he give you an earful for disturbing his ninety ninth viewing of lethal weapon four? well, with the way you flaunt your double d boob job at the free fun pta events that's hardly a surprise. oh nothing, mary. well that wouldn't be hard. mary, do you need something? cause i gotta go. tool school?, ouch, mary. do it yourself mechanics is without a doubt the most interesting thing in my life right now. i carry my beloved toolbox in the trunk at all times. sorry, mary, i'm skipping this week. kenneth's parents are coming to stay for christmas. you know how it is. you check with her, mary. you too. bah humbug. bye, mary. the learning academy. spring street. hi meghan. it's della myers. yes i knew. okay. can you leave word for mike. i'm going to miss tomorrow's mechanic's class. it's just the one time. i guess some people find it boring. yes you will. unless i run off and become an outlaw or something. i have to go. you too. hello? where are you? grand central station? frick! i almost rear-ended a car. cassie? what's up, cassie? huh? one of those rubber balls, i think. i'm headed over there now. ran out of christmas wrapping paper. would you believe it? aw shoot. my cell battery's dying. damn, i must have left the charger in the other car. no. i'm just. i mean i'm. oh nothing. it can't be that bad? why don't we meet somewhere for a drink? a latte's fine. let's meet at the fountain opposite victoria's secret. my battery's going. i'm a block away. see you in five minutes. okay, okay! sorry! lucky son of a . hello? do you know where i can definitely find parking? yes! unbelievable! great! thanks. no thanks. not my size. a latte please? and a chocolate biscotti. forget it, just the coffee. della, two l's. lynn monroe! something like that. do you live around here now? oh, we have two kids. twins, tammi and terri. it's a pity they don't have any "to a bastard at christmas" cards. god planned it for christmas day just to tick me off. thanks. how come the ladies' bathroom is out of order on a night like this? good lord! what now? what the hell are you playing at? what are you? the world's first homeless united nations boy band? chuckie? at least your parents have a sense of humor. what? if you hadn't parked like an asshole, we wouldn't be arguing about it right now. not if these delinquents move their barge so i can back up. please god. don't overcorrect. no! jesus! huh! damn! no! oh no. okay! i'll open it. shit! oh shit! awwwrgh! i'm sorry. i'm so sorry! where are you, god? please, i just want to see my babies again. give me a break. i want. i already did. i was only going to the mall for some christmas wrapping paper. what now? that's what i figured. huey there, going to help? oh my. please don't call me that. don't ever call me that again. i just wanted to get home to my babies. are they okay? nothing.