yes! damn! della! you should just swear properly and get it over with. do you think the kids don't know what you mean? going out again? what is it tonight? auto mechanics for dummies? the bored housewives' reading group? i got a new one for you. group therapy for women who always have the curse. there's a tuesday night class at the pleasant valley episcopalian. what do you do all day, della honey? cause it sure isn't keeping house. this place is an eyesore. i'm mortgaged up to the eyeballs for this? i mean it's not like you're at some salon fancying up your hair or nails like the other men's wives. the last time i saw you wearing something sexy was our engagement party. god, della, you used to be hot! jesus, della. della honey, i'm sorry. where the hell have you been? i said. della? della honey are you all right? what? what happened to you? was there an accident? are you hurt? sound asleep, huh? so. what'd you bring me from the mall?