we'll have to rush to get the 1:30 train. ahem. ahem! all right dear, relax. so was the one in kansas city, and the one in canton, ohio, and the one in waco, texas. one of these days you're going to meet somebody extra cute and the next performance i'll be doing a single. snow. we spent last christmas in south carolina, the year before in hawaii. they didn't seem like christmases. there ought to be snow. this one's going to be real white. no. why? private conversation? i'm betty. why? stop worrying. he won't get any place with her. i'm positive. i trained her myself. well, you keep an eye on him, and i'll keep an eye on her. both? which one do you like best? you can't have both. there's a law. you dance very well together. if i say it. the owner of the hotel we were at says we dropped a cigarette on his rug and burned it. he wants two hundred dollars, but it's just plain stealing. then we dropped the bags out the window and checked them at the depot. maybe it'll snow in new york for christmas. if it doesn't, we'll mail you a snowball from vermont. as long as your friend doesn't try to take my sister for a sleigh ride. there has to be snow! this place is advertised as america's snow playground! we're not here as guests. we're the stewart sisters. was everybody in your outfit? we seem to run into them all over the country. we're the stewart sisters. is that the weather forecast? mister waverly, we'd like to make you a proposition. you've been very nice not canceling, we'd like to make a gesture. until it snows, and you have guests, we'll take half salary. that was the nicest thing i ever saw anybody do. same one they have all over. we're near the bakery. which one is it? bob or phil? you mean both. isn't there one you prefer over the other? and bob? good thing they're not a quartette. oh! i couldn't sleep. anything'll do. how's that? what do you dream on tuna? then i'll have a tuna sandwich. no it won't. warm milk won't do it. i think it is. tell me, doctor. wouldn't it be better if you cut my solo number? i've never felt right in it anyway. the show needs every bit of his dancing. there you are - painless. i hope you realize that you're getting he most wonderful girl in the world. darling, don't cry. i know you didn't. you do love him, don't you? nothing else matters. excuse me. i'm not the least bit worried. frankly, this couldn't come at a better time. they want me to come back to the carousel again - i used to sing there before judy and i teamed up - and i had to turn it down because they can only use a single. so - this couldn't be more convenient. you stay with the show and i'll go back to the carousel. just today, as a matter of fact. i got a telegram. i didn't want to hurt your feelings. i threw it away. what is this, a third degree? you don't think i made it up? now, baby! it's all right! the carousel. i sent them a telegram this morning. take care of my little sister. i'll send you picture postcards. the story of my life. i wish i could. let's not do the new number. play "blue skies" -- anything. well, surprise. what brought you to the big city? and don't say 'a train.' some numbers suit you better than others. what are you doing here? judy all right? that's nice. i do, too. some people are. don't mention it. if the sock fits, wear it. it just started out as a sock. you're a very odd fellow. i'll get around to the other one, eventually. the feeling comes and goes. maybe. he's too proud to let them know he's general waverly. they are bedded down in all the hotels. they're just affected by the gesture. where are judy and phil? who is it? general waverly? we can't just stand here. we have to get some sleep. is it going to be that kind of a show? we'll be raided! i'm helping out here tomorrow. good night. bob is still pacing up and down on the porch. i think i'll go out and see what's bothering him. this is vermont. nothing can happen here. what are you doing? sleep walking? whatever you've got on your mind isn't worth staying awake for. tell you how i handle a situation like this, doctor.