thanks, fellows. i guess by now you know the old man's being replaced by a new commanding general fresh out of the pentagon. this divisions's been awfully lucky so far, but tonight they're running a special on st. christophers at the px. the old man's heading back to the rear - he's never moved in that direction in his life. all i can say is, we owe so much to general waverly and the way -- perhaps i can help you out, sir. well. while the cast takes it easy we'll be slaving over a hot kinnie. okay. we'll eat dinner. he isn't. some business has come up. see you in a week. come on, romeo, dinner! lamb chops, lamb chops! have you ever considered laying off the female sex for awhile? down, rover, down. remember, we have an agreement--you chase no new tidbits during the season. you were man enough to give me your hand on it. shoot. who? i'm not having any, but i think my partner's lining up some pastries now. call our agent - we've got half an hour between trains. how do you do. thank you, ma'am. well, it's the way you've been raised. if you saw a lot of snow when you were a kid you miss it more around christmas. there's a lot of snow around st. paul. no. you come from st. paul. i'd like to ask you something. were you ever in an oxygen tent? were you ever in a road company of "student prince?" very good. what i admire are the details, the invention, the little lies all around the big one. it takes talent. don't say that. don't belittle yourself. credit where credit is due. you did it fine. little game we play. nicer than dolores! i'm low man. bob. follow that couple. want to make sure they keep dancing. you sure? she's in the ring with the champ, though. you've heard of alcoholics anonymous? women anonymous. their biggest case. fine. we can make out the probation report together. judy, you made even him look good. all right, bubble lover, stand up! la train. at one-thirty, and we have to pack. you know, choo choo. goes on tracks. wo woo. oh yes! the train goes tonight. say goodbye to the lady bubble, because we're going to have to run for it now. no. i thought we watched you every minute. can we help? don't get panicky! that's considerate! how'd you arrange that? may i enquire what you are being arrested for? kind of old fashioned, isn't it? i thought that went out with the cherry sisters. we'll have to do something. a glimmer. have to stir it around a little. get out of these clothes! toot sweet! pete! how'd you get in this line of work? a civilian m.p.! if the fellows ever saw you now! they'd skin you alive! jack ross! will you ever forget the party he threw in naples? do you remember when danny beasly climbed up - - the tower of the city hall and rang the bell by swinging on the clapper? he couldn't hear anything for two days. not everybody was lucky. we got to get our bags and be at the station in ten minutes! we'll never make it! thanks, pete. well, we'll be together as far as new york. you'll only thaw it out. i see what you mean. but wednesday we've got to be back in new york. you enjoy them all year round. we won't get in your way, will we? if he tries it, i'll smash his flexible flyer. it's all set. we're going to have to sit up all night. let's get some shut eye. this isn't a southern vermont? well, if you say so. driver, your sleigh and reindeer. my friend and i are guests. we've come down for the snow. where are you keeping it? what are your rates here? i'm afraid not, ma'am. i'll tell phil to leave the luggage - general waverly! sir! i'm fine, sir. why? begging your pardon, sir. the draft board didn't know when to stop. i'm bob wallace -- this is phil davis -- i think well stay a little longer than we planned. we ate and then he ate. we slept, and then he slept. maybe there is. a glimmer. have to stir it around a bit. relax. i didn't ask you how much it'll cost us. easy, easy, remember your blood pressure. i don't care how much it'll cost us. that's better. have everybody on the train first thing in the morning. the whole troupe, and the scenery, and the costumes. you'll have to cancel us off the ed harrison show. oscar, remember your blood pressure. incidentally, how much will this cost? good night, oscar. there you are. we are coming out - even. that's the same as even. do you want me to cancel the troupe coming? when you hired the stewart sisters you also hired a new york show. it was in the small print. now just a second. we're not doing this for him! the company's been getting a little ragged. we'd appreciate the use of the hall. we'll pay a little, but not much. - you see, the audience will be guinea- pigs -- and for us, that's quite an improvement. i hope this is not an indication of advancing age, getting kissed out of gratitude. a body keeps hoping. it was still gratitude. well, sir, this nice empty room. the minute we looked at it we said it was ideal. didn't we? and then we'll have an audience to play to. you see, sir, you need an audience on which to try out your new material. oh, word gets around. makes the blood circulate, it just takes time. that's all for today, kids. get a little rest before tonight's performance. phil! look this over, i want to try something. that's the idea. want you to hear a song i just wrote. it isn't. just tell me how you think the old man would feel about this one. what are you doing? sleep-walking? little young for that, aren't you? what shall i make you? if you tell me what you want to dream about i'll know what to make you. different foods make for different dreams. i've got a whole theory about it. it's called "the wallace way of wishful wooing." you'll find it in the american medical journal under 'w'. ham and swiss cheese, for instance, you get a cool, thin, blonde girl. turkey sandwich, you get a dark sort of stumpy girl, sexy though. now a liverwurst sandwich - you get both girls at once. bad night. darndest thing, i dream about me. now that's very flattering. tuna coming up. let me make you some warm milk. that'll help the insomnia. whatever you've got on your mind isn't worth staying awake for. would you like to know how i handle a situation like that? all right kids! places! let's get going! phil, you're on! how long are we so far? something has to come out. all right, places for the next number! you're next, sylvia. what's the trouble? come on, out with it. you're kidding! after you? i hired sylvia! the baby'll be named after me! the hiring was more important! after me! well, we're going to need another dancer! on the other hand, it's all right if we lose a number, we're running too long now. we have to cut somewhere. well - greater love hath no woman than to give up a solo number. old chinese saying. drink your coffee. don't take this too much to heart. phil is a great kid but constancy isn't his long suit. she can take care of herself. worry about the menfolk. now don't forget to write. the idea's never occurred to me, sir. not interested! it's a little immodest to say so, but i consider myself an authority on the fair sex, i've made a study of the subject. they're simple creatures. i'm single. 'who knows his own strength is twice armed.' she has a job in the carousel. phil. i'm darned if i can figure out why. certainly. i don't get it. i just don't see it. you' re skinny, you got a big nose, and you squint. yes, you! nothing personal though. i'm just trying to figure out what anyone sees in you. it isn't very warm. i think the weatherman's wrong about his forecast. those look like snow clouds to me. yes, sir. still, weather's a funny thing. it could snow - overnight. really, sir? that's great news! where are you going to be sent, sir? no, sir. oh, i beg your pardon, sir. that's what i came over to give you, it slipped my mind. dear tom: why, you dirty, old - yes, sir. it certainly was a surprise hearing from you. your amusing letter was appreciated more than you imagine. of course you've got plenty of time to be amusing, sitting on that porch, rocking away, while we put in a full day's work. you always were a lucky stiff, and i envy you. a few years more, i was saying to emmy the other evening, and i'm going to be able to take it easy like old tom. oh, well, some people have all the luck. everyone in the family is fine here. carol had the mumps, which is no joke at eleven years of age - no sir. begging your pardon, sir, there's a lot to be said for leisure. you're not used to it, you've always been active, but in time - yes sir. one of them is. i'm the quiet type. little do you know what's aged me. i told you what i'm seein' ed harrison about. that's all. what do you know about girls? you wouldn't know what to do with a girl if she fell on you! i'm expecting ed harrison. i never heard you sing that well. that's a good number for you. business, business. meeting a fellow here. she's fine. couldn't be better. playing footsie with phil. i think they like each other. they're kind of suited, in a lot of ways. thanks for the knitted sock. i thought it was for phil. it started out for phil. you're a very odd girl. two feet, one sock. i must be. you mean to do any knitting in the near future? think if the model hung around for a while. the feeling might be more permanent? what's this maybe, shmaybe, comes and goes? friends tell me i don't have many years left for this sort of thing. i ought to know right now if -- hiya, ed. ed, i saw the old man. pentagon, nothing. he owns a little hotel in a winter resort in vermont. nobody even knows who he is. vermont branch. a glimmer. all stirred. remember how old flintbottom always used to find a way to keep our morale up. without telling us? it's about time we returned the favor. let's surprise him with a real big bang-up reunion. you're gonna read this little speech on your television show. people look at it, don't they? he has. in anything involving something crooked he's dependable. how is everything going? there's nothing to cry about, is there? can't you do something? that's fine. probably in their rooms, crying. the lovers. couldn't sleep. where have i heard that? this thing's shrunk. i can't breathe in this. what am i going to do? doesn't that bring back memories? remember those terrible, trying days in italy. when we had to beat the women off with chocolate bars? for a month's pay all we got was 950 million lira. i was forced to hire a caddy for my loose change. i'm glad i'm well out of it.